Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

To hammer to spite you or nah :thinking:

/unvote so no one hammers, lets discuss

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I am home need some time to type this up properly

If Electro submitted Solic N1

This requires Servant N1 or Servant N1 Which is impossible.
Or requires an N3 heal Wolfy from converted Gamer Poke on d1
Or Electrocutioner blocked or jailed
Scorched target swap impossible unless Solic swapped for Livi or Redrabbit, not seeing this so discounting it.

If Electro submitted Livi N2

This requires red rabbit healed by townGamerPoke
Or electrocutioner blocked or jailed
Or a similar scorched swap which again I donā€™t see what scorched would benefit from there.

He probably did livi N2, thatā€™s the most likely option

Fixed a boo boo

@Shurian btw what changed between here and when you are now saying it would cost the game.

Solic n1 is fine as FireKitten dead
Livi N1 requires blocked electrocutioner

Pretty much we 100% know that N1 is Solic Or was blocked
Electrocutioner submitted Livi N2 Or was blocked N2

If Electrocutioner submitted both then Luxy is not executioner
AND both of below

If Electrocutioner submitted N1 Solic only then no additional requirements

If Electrocutioner submitted N2 Livi only then
GamerPoke has to have healed RedRabbit
Shurian scum block electrocutioner
Cookies scum wall of Fire Wolfy >> Necessitates Noz and Luxy lying about checks. One is Electro one is scorned or other neutral.

How do I scum block?

Sorry where I come from block is occupy.
ScumShurian occupies executioner.

I know its occupy

Butā€¦ its kinda strangeā€¦ I can only be scum occupying electro if I were 2nd Conv

The Servant
Unseen Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Serve wine to Electrocutioner

Also Cookies claimed squire in the first place no?

How do I be second convert when I was jailed n3?

You could be N1 convert actually. N1 donā€™t know who you blocked maybe Luxy
N2 block Electro
N3 become assassin
Bleed king
King lies says no notification
King corrects to yep I am poisoned

N1 you would only convert at end.

So N2 block Electrocutioner.

Squire when converted gets Wall of Fire
Prevents all visits except Assassin kill so then Noz and Luxy both lying about using Maid on Wolfy since that is visits.

Damn it there are too many possibilities to type up without drawing a diagram fuck :confused: