Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

So therefore no I want Wolfy’s head

Except NK should be lynched as soon as possible as it eliminates one KPN for instance.

It’s also important to gather more information during the day, so searching for other lynches is actually a good thing as well. There are 3 starting evils after all. MM, Assassin and NK or CL, starting cult and NK.

Well except no
We can’t lynch the killer
Otherwise we get no information without mass claim
So then just mass claim?

Like what stops it?

Don’t do it obviously I am trying to understand like what stops mass claim from breaking this game then just forcing people to out night actions

And if we can’t claim and there is no NK then there is no way to get info

So then we just no lynch until day four

I don’t see where it is actually protown to lynch in this setup with what you are pitching.

So I don’t think the people working on this would make a setup where no lynching is ideal so I am back to wanting to lynch Wolfy

If Wolfy actually is the Mastermind, most unseen would try to get him lynched/killed now as the special/invest result puts the MM in a corner and the unseen’s center objective is the survival of the MM honestly.

There are very limited results of abilities and evils typically have ways to manipulate nightplans quite well. Roles like Priest/Sheriff/Prince are also important to keep hidden from evils.

If we a lynch a mastermind on accident it’s okay, we don’t lynch people we suspect to be them until d4. Lynch scummy players who are not identified as possibility being a MM by results

The thing is, lynching a Mm turns the assassin into MM, and the convert into asasssin. Doing this still hurts the unseen.

Especially with Kpn and ruining our night plans.

Look at it this way. Assassin and MM are 2 KPN. Assassin is 1 KPN. How to stop the MM from converting? Either they need to be at 3 members or the MM needs to be killed. The latter can only happen at day 4. After the MM is gone, we also can have confirmed town members, since there is no risk for conversion anymore. Honestly, I could write pages why it’s better to keep a found MM until day 4, but I ask you to just trust the experience of players here.

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If you found Wolfy as scum, you can find other players as scum, just the same, can’t you? We’ll lynch those.

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Also, we can basically destroy wolfy from doing anything with happy hour, and stuff like that.

Except I am struggling to see the point

If anyone I push could be mastermind then they won’t be lynched

This invalidates all pushes

Does everyone have a princess check on them that says special/invest? No.

You’re pushing it to extremes for the sake of the argument and I don’t see the point of why you’re doing this.

Could everyone be mastermind? Yes.
Can princess check everyone? No

Understand this then, we lynch scummy players, BUT, if we get a princess check like spec/invest and then we lynch them later and basically occupy them.

Feel free to lynch anyone but a suspected MM, it doesn’t hurt that bad to lynch a mm on accident

My point is there is literally zero point in hunting because then everyone just says “I am special/inves” don’t lynch me til day four :confused: We aren’t guaranteed a princess so there is no weight to questions

Without weight questions get ignored and no lynches :confused:

Like I do not understand what you are pitching.

But conditional on the fact that someone has a princess check that says special/invest we should refrain from getting them out, because once we do, we will not get a guaranteed princess check on the new MM that reappears… We basically win if we lynch the MM day 4 and are setting ourselves up for failure if we eliminate the MM candidate early and possibly let them regrow their numbers to 3 without us knowing who the new MM is.

Except the Princess claim ties two players together. It’s different. People that claim investigatives also need to have sensible logs for us to keep them around obviously.

Summary of everything:lynch scummy players (except probable MM’s)