Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Do you or do you not trust Livicus’ Princess claim, because Wolfy is not claiming special/invest, Livicus is saying that he is. It’s a whole different scenario.

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Like Wolfy

A game is broken if we cannot lynch until day four. That is ridiculously dumb if we are penalized for finding scum early. So there has to be a flaw in what you are saying.

We are going in circles and this is counter productive.

This setup favors suicidal accusations especially with converts. Wouldn’t be surprised if livicus was lying.

I do I find it irrelevant to whether he should be lynched

Everyone is a power role, we have the ability to stop scum from doing stuff if we have the right tools and know who they are. It’s balanced because of everyone having powers.

Stop making this so general when it is not. A game is not broken if we cannot lynch people that were checked as special/invest by Princesses until day 4. That is the statement.

Livicus could be an assassin who is basically making us waste our resources on wolfy

Please tell me how it will benefit town to have the MM reappear now, because here are some disadvantages.

  1. We no longer know who the MM is.
  2. Conversion slot opens up, since Unseen are capped at 3 members.
  3. KPN remains at 2.
  1. A player could be mastermind. Therefore we cannot lynch them. That is the statement.
    The additional check of whether he is or isn’t special/investigation doesnt change the possibility he could be.

  2. If we ran up a player at random they could still be the mastermind.

The check is only exclusionary which then gets rewritten to never lynch until day four unless a princess checks otherwise. Which if we don’t have a princess it means we no lynch until day four.

They lose the class abilities of what they convert.

You’re making false probabilistic statements here. It’s not 50/50 yes/no. It’s a lot higher when a Princess has a check and it does change the situation.

Which are not even that strong when the ultimate goal of the unseen is to kill/convert everyone.

No, don’t think like that. We lynch scummy players and if they are MM whatever it was an accident, but if we did find the MM, right choice would be happy hour.

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I’ve been catching up with the game now. I’ve been trying to recover a bit more from whatever the hell I got. Gimme a few more moments to catch up with what has been happening, but the last place I got to was Solic voting me.

Let me give you this scenario. Unseen has 3 members. BD has a Butler. NK is dead. It’s public knowledge who the Assassin is. It’s in the best interest to occupy the Assassin then, since Unseen cannot kill or convert then, while all unseen are going to be found, starting with the MM. Why is it so unbelieveable or it would break the game if there are better ways to approach the scum if we have more specific information like their exact class? If anything it’s a good thing for the health of the game in my opinion.

Leaving MM’s for day 4 is a similar thing.

Uhhh FK? This a scum slip?

Playing catch-up with the rest still.

:thinking: you could see it that way but our refers to BD

Most converts harm BD, and that’s why it’s not all so bad but it’s still more useful to actually keep the MM on a leash.

But why pair an unseen kpn disadvantage with a BD disadvantage like that. It really looks like you’re talking about unseen disadvantage for both statements.

No I mean, that they suffer a KPN loss, and they can’t destroy our night plans.

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