NFoL 4 - Deadchat


you can never like Danganronpa too much

i have apparently used italian magic to convince the court that i was a fool who masked, beautiful.

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In b4 they just pardon this grand trial and just continue with their normal plan

Iā€™ve Done bad

@Solic How dare you die in middle of our argument

this chat is as dead as we are

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I told you all to not dieā€¦ and what did you do? You died.
Itā€™s always the same with these players smh

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Had to do that to snuff out your alignment, but I do agree that you can play more proactively instead of reactively. I did have you as town lean in logs. ^^

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Why was H_Hja executed? Didnā€™t the 2nd bleed confirm H_Hja or did the towncore determine that one of those bleedings was actually a lie.

Oh wait, Demon can bleed I forgot.

I assume Hja played too passively and thatā€™s why she got lynched.

Well hello everyone.

Tan, how come you threw the game and exed me? >:(

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Mama Tan just didnā€™t want to be alone and exed you so you can die together :heart:

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Death sucks yo

Yeah you really screwed me with that gossip, mate. Well played.

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