[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

It’s almost certainly important Priestess :eyes: what’s up with this

King is an uninformed traitor. Associatives on him in short are quite flimsy.

It is indeed not important, since you can’t poison him before D3. Pushing on King in the early game is more considered as scummy.

Possibly, his response would possibly be more exaggerated i’d imagine

Traitors while not knowledgable still give off tells of who they town/scumread and can then know where the traitor thought important which can net scum.

Or if you know an EK exists then you know you have less trust in night actions and have to play the reads game more

The associations are better made later on in the game

Like in FoL21 where I was pretty sure Shuri was GK because I didn’t think any EK would stick their neck out for someone as widely scumread as I was due to a false redcheck, but by the end of it it was basically the only thing going on

Yes you don’t push but associatives are there.

I don’t believe in that an EK can reliably say who’s his allies are ^^

And I scumread Shurian based on lack of right guard and associatives.

Stop setting standards for what scum are/aren’t doing. It’s a major pitfall.

Let me clarify

The associations are more accurately made later on in the game

Obviously if you think you can make the links then go for it, but like LT said, they’re flimsy unless you can see some pretty clear signalling.

Oh ofc not, but proficient EKs will keep pressure on their townreads in an effort to let scum coast

Yes associations are flimsy and subject to change that’s why there is continuous testing.

You don’t just not hunt because you don’t “know”. If you “know” it isn’t hunting

This assumes a Butler has or is going to roll, which isn’t guaranteed.

Gee I’m reading but not quite understanding what y’all are on about


Ask ask ask.

Eg Marcus shooting FireKitten was to be expected yet his associations with FireKitten shined a light on him as Unseen King (because I was cult minor detail).

And herein lies one of my flaws

I rely too much on concrete evidence and not enough on digging out oddities in posting or whathaveyou

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That’s okay, it’s like learning a new language in some respects :smile:

maybe this is why NFoLs don’t have the greatest track record because vets just end up TLing inevitably

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It’s also okay to be 100% wrong. Just effort is a thing

“I don’t know what to say”

Answer whatever comes into your brain

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I’ll make this announcement only once. This is a game primarily for the newbies. Veterans should keep that in their minds at all times please. :slight_smile:

Those were my dying words