[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

I reckon sulits mafia he seems super unnatural and his post about “reading OP and seeeing factional kill” or whatever seemed super forced.

Accused Voters Number
Alice Solic 1/7
sulit Hippolytus 1/7

what’s another town game of blue storms besides zombie apocalypse

Why are you ignoring Hippo?

He didn’t directly ask me a question and I don’t really care that he voted me right now tbh

His tone feels slimy

And because he put so much thought into this

This is NFoL3, one of Blue’s scumgames. His tone matches and he keeps in relatively serious.

These are two of Blue’s town games. He keeps a relatively jokey and light tone, not overly analytical

So yea I’d probably detonate blue if I could

Also about your choosing a mafia or town detonator

I’d probably choose mafia because
a) I don’t have to worry about trigger happy town
b) If we really wanted to my scum mate could blow me up for towncred

180ed in this because from my experience Dat is usually pretty good as scum, if a little less active.

As of now I don’t think what Dat did was overly scummy

What really pinged my was his aversion to answer your question, but I flipped on that and decided that’s not too horrible because if I was mafia is already have thought about it and I’d think I’d seem scummy for not answering

But I want him to post more so I can read him better

Dear god I keep switching up my understanding of having a detonator

In a choice between, as mafia, choosing a detonator that blows up mafia or one that blows up town, I’d choose one that blows up town, because with no factional it would already be tough to reach parity, so I’d take that extra kill opportunity.


Psssssst come play


I don’t know why I replied to that in that post but ok



oh you Isoed my detonate target.

Thank you for doing my work

I’m gonna go make pancakes and breakfast things



This is a meme, plz no killo yet.

I actually agree that that felt overexplained and he already put a lot of thought into a hypothetical situation for town, but an actual one for mafia.

I want Blue to react to this first however.


Got anything to say about this? :thinking:

But there is no real difference when you’re on mafia as a team between the former and latter. Having a mafia detonator, means also that THAT mafia has you as their detonator.

I kind of like this inherent contradiction as it shows that you haven’t put a lot of thought into it yet and don’t think you’d construct this on the fly.

What precisely do you find unnatural?