[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

And they are convoluted enough that the fear instilled into scum is reaction wise still the same in my opinion. :man_shrugging:

alright so just read up a bit, dont like the wagon on italy. i understand him, i havent been able to make anything else but light townreads based on what people have posted

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Is there anyone that you still left in null after reading them?

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Italy, at least give us an attempt to read. Doesn’t even have to be on someone who’s leading the court, if you can’t pin that down; just pick a person, look through some of the things they’ve said and formulate a logical argument as to whether that makes them seem like town or scum. The reason you’re sus is because you don’t seem to be attempting to put anything forth. Even if the read is figured to be way off, we can still at least see that you’re trying if you give us something.

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my townreads are tele and tan, everyone outside of it is null

also cheeki

The reasoning for my push on Italy is to pressure him to throw him any thoughts of who he feels is scum.

Honestly, like tan said, napoleon went completely silent for a good while, and only started speaking when that was pointed out.

**The reasoning for my push on Italy is to pressure him to make any thoughts of who he feels is scum

my point was that at this point he probably doesnt have any idea who is scum, i dont

Did you not see my wallpost?

Why did you feel so spoken to by that off hand comment on a player that was just catching up? :eyes:

So currently for me
Town leaning: tele. They seem to be genuinley wanting to help and find information

Scum leaning:
Italy; they seem to be avoiding talking or making any kind of reads
Tangeld; The mess up with marshal could be scum trying to cause confusion (Could be an honest mistake as well)
Cheeki; Mostly because he agrees with neuts open claiming, and I personally think thats more of a scum opinion

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If you could, I would love a sentence or two on why you like these three or just some quotes that make your gutt say thats town

It only showed me that you were typing after tan made that post.

I’d be willing to leave Italy alone if he gave us even a barebones read. As it stands, he’s only drawing suspicion to himself, and he ought to realize that that’s not going to benefit him at all.

Because I was on the wagon and one of those who scumread Italy. I’m just blurting out every thought that comes to mind.

I’m sure you are. :eyes:

Sogman, do you see the reasoning for pushing Italy here?

i generally subscribe to the idea that more info for BD is better.
even if we can fish one neut claim (even ifits fake) it gives us more perspective and more chance to catch scumslips