[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Don’t worry too much, my love.

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I’m sorry. I did not intend to be hurtful. I just wanted to say that that line of reasoning is not appreciated, so in the future you are aware of it. It’s a newbie FoL. I cannot possibly expect that some of the grayer areas of angleshooting are respected.

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Yeah it’s okay, sorry for getting defensive. I won’t do it again

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I missed out on having any spicy tense thunderdome moments, so I need my fill post game

You were totally on fire otherwise though. One of the best scum. I didn’t want to diminish your actual plays.


All good, I just don’t like people thinking ill of me, makes me feel like I ruin the game for everyone, and that feels bad

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Everything is fine, take it as FYI :wink:

The issue is that i followed cheeki. Ozz couldnt win there.


If ozz wasnt jailed then cheeki would have been kailed. With that, he probably kills me or Tele.

Either way, gameplay is really easy from there

Did I do good?

You could have been a little more active imo, but you didn’t do bad

So I’ve been wondering, but why deb to the King that was being town read?

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U killed me I’m dissapointed but not mad

My reads werent that great… I know I will improve over time but are there any tips that someone can give me?

Argh the “neither can confirm or deny” when asked whether he was a neut should have told me Italy was scum.

Okay so, I’m going to be taking a break from hosting FoL/FM games until the end of August. This also goes the same to playing in them. Right now I need to get my life in check as I promised to do a while ago. Thanks for making this game enjoyable, even if I did get annoyed at my fellow hosts at some points and at very minimum points at the newbies in the game, after all, y’all are just a good batch of newbies.


I know geez. First time I put myself as backup and nobody dropped…I don’t think I’ve seen that before.

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