[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Also, if I don’t see a wallpost, I’m gonna be a little disappointed.

Yeah, I’m popping in and out and catching up on everything. I’m making some notes and I’ll have some reads for you in a bit. I may be slow today as it’s a holiday where I am from.

why would u dread that? if theres nothing wrong with what u have written there should be no worries on what he finds

Well Happy Holiday whatever it is

It was more in the sense of “I’m going to have to set aside the time to read an entire wallpost and then get caught back up on chat”. Nappy’s wallpost on Tele set me back about three minutes.

That being said, chat’s gone real quiet, so the setback might not be severe now as it was then.

Tele already said this and it was obvious. I wouldn’t give much town credit to this.

Those are lazy reads. I would like to see a bit more reasoning behind this. Also, you seemed to jump on the Italy bandwagon pretty easily, like Tanny said.

This seems to me like a weak read. I have my own opinions on Solic but that’s for another ISO.

I like this quote. Wanting to get something out of Italy but at the same time, not wanting to focus on Italy.

Yeah, Italy’s very first quote basically gave it away that he isnt a DI scum. You say this however but without any reasoning. I see in the next post that you justify it though.

I would think most scum would remain silent on this. As an evil, if one were to know that Solic is good, then a random CS from Solic is bad. Of course, we cant say for certain and I personally doubt that Solic is Knight.

So Marshal posted this along with the above statement, and I like that he did this. This response was almost immediate and he’s showing no fear in allowing us to compare him to previous games. I havent looked through it, but this move particularly convinces me that he has nothing to hide.

I’ll look through the other forum game posted, but I believe that the last post is what bumped Marshal up from a null read to a slight townread for me.

Oh wow, it was on Marshal. Was I being a touch vain to think that it was on me?

When I refer to this in the last quote, I mean the previous forum match link.

thats why I just kinda ignored it, I said I read it but realistically Imma save it for when I dont have a headache, plus isos are usually rather boring to read, trust me I used to write them too often

He said he was doing it on Marshal lol

Good ISO. I’m working on one for sogman myself

I’ll admit to having missed that, Tele. Maybe I’m being a touch too active if I’m missing things like that in favor of pushing my own view. Like I said, I want to hear from others, and if toning back is what gets them to speak, then I’ll do so.

Readlist :


Currently leading Town, applying pressure and provoking discussion

Although we must take note that he’s a vet, my gut (disagree as much as you like)tells me he is currently town because scum wouldn’t want to keep court as active as it is.


They have been very active for a newbie, and not in the kind of effort i’d expect from a wolf to appear town. They seem to be actually trying to look into peoples motivations.


Despite their read on me, my gut tells me they are town

I may disagree with this, but it is a fair read in my eyes. They are trying to be active, and it seems they are having limited time to read this thread so the low activity is forgivable. Though i would watch out whats going on between him and Derps



This may be a little controversial but idrc. I think that being prompted to post and then posting a huge wall doesn’t scream town to me. It seems a little desperate. Although this is the towniest null read i have, because they are ISO’ing other players, i feel my opinion will change quite soon.


All i’ve seen from them is a bit of a pressure on Italy and Marshal. I don’t see all that much impactful coming from them

Prodding who you see as inactive seems like a way to seem towny without accomplishing much.
Just getting a very null feel from them.
Recently we’ve been getting a lot more from them so this is looking up

any other inactives also fall into this category



This may cause some hoopla but idc. They have posted things that feel very ‘off’ and tried to (quoting tangeld) piggyback off of their own read using tangeld as a vehicle for it

This is the thing that made me feel very uneasy about Marshal, suddenly posting and being conscious of your own town meta is quite scummy to me. I’d keep an eye


This horse has been beaten to dust but my scum list isn’t complete without it. You may say ‘oh they are LHF newbie leave them alone’. But what they scream to me is either neutral or non-DI groupscum
For example, when tangeld points out the court’s silence. Instead of filling it with something useful or contributive (like a read). He says this -

People have begged you to read, and i see you as a receptive person so IDK why you aren’t if you’re town


I prompted them for a proper readlist as their last one was very lackluster
All i got was a short, indecisive list with a fair amount of parroting

This has been bouncing back and forth would like to see something else besides this, staying as a scumlean for me. And after posting that lackluster readlist they go straight to meming.

My gut tells me this is scummy, but i really want to see more.

just throwing my ideas out there. hopefully my reads can provoke more reads on all of us

probably outdated as fk now lol

Everyone went silent after I went on that mini-tirade, after all, and that’s exactly what I don’t want to see. Silent hurts BD.

Less offended that you suspect me because by now everyone does, more offended by the fact that you used me making a joke as ‘evidence’

The thing is ur not pushing your own view though, you keep mentioning you are but I havent seen it maybe except

, but in that ur just telling people to think critically. I want a push a real one. Look through the thread find something that sticks out and push the person. @ them, throw ur reasons out and demand an answer.

So everyone reads Solic as town/null. Taking all factors into consideration, I actually have a slight scum-read on him. Asking questions and applying pressure is easy, but he doesn’t give any analysis. I just don’t know what to take out of his refusal to post his reads right away.

@Diggity69 @JakeTheWolfie @KyoDaz @What @Emilia

Come on and catch up with the chat, I’d love to hear your town/scum reads (:

As a scum, I’m wondering if Solic would post reads just to impress me.