[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

oh this situation seems to have gone downhill

Should I claim what neut class I am

Go for it

Are you saying you’re not a Mercenary?

Derps was the one who implied it, I apologize for making it clear

I am a merc, though I was just told the two targets arent aware of it

Day 1 1 started at a bad time for me.
Just skimming over the posts I like Solic going for an aggressive play and I also like how the opposing force in Ozzy.

D1 read Ozzy and Solic not in same scum team.

Thats the obvious read in front of my thought gonna read stuff over and see what i find.

also tele isnt a target, I just like tele

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@Napoleon I DO NOT believe @Solic’s Knight claim.

And when people say I “pressured” @Italy to claim it’s a bit of an exaggeration. It was more of a slight nudge.

So Prince can take care of a Mercenary claim night 2, because they inevitably will end up with a converted target and vote against us. :man_shrugging:

Yes, asking for neutral claims was a trap.

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I don’t think so

you outright told him to claim, thats not a nudge

What Dat has been trying to say is that Solic is fake claiming Knight as some other town class in order to intimidate others and get their reactions to help determine if they are scum or not


Sorry, ignore this, I’m just testing around with colors.


Wazza using colored chat in throne of li-

From how you said it, it seemed like you either believed Solic to be scum or if town, one who’s making a bad move by claiming Knight.

Even then, I still have the gut feeling from the tone of that response that you and Solic aren’t a possible scumteam.

also smh baiting newbies into driving themselves into a corner

Im just a friendly merc trying to keep people from dying :frowning:

looking at you solic, im an advocate for merc rights

neuts out