[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Kyo, you should sit tight TBH to avoid getting caught in the Demon’s fires.

If Sog flips fool and Tele flips Princess, we learn nothing about you.

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if sog flips fool and I hunter tele can still be NK

I do think our best play here is to lynch H_Hja, because I do believe that it will end the game today (:

Actually, Kyo mark Cheeki or Ozz, mb. Mystic, conduit Kyo and Digg so you both choose different targets.

you know what I trust nap’s intuition

/vote H_Hja

Remember that we might not even have a second Neut; class list is a 50/50 on that or another BD.

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
H_Hja 3/6 Teleology, KyoDaz, Cheeki
Teleology 1/6 H_Hja

Yeah that’s true

I think Sog is second neut though

If Hja is Hunter and Sog is Noble, then Tele is another neut.

the best move here is to lynch tele

Sog claimed Noble in jail N1, which would mean that they were setting up a longcon on something like this. I don’t mean to be rude, but I actually don’t think that Sog was thinking that far ahead.

I am Princess though, so that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Lynching you ends the game, I’d rather do that

lynching you ends game since youre demon

Actually, i want to make one more modification to the plan… that is killing Tele.

So I’m to axe Tele in jail here now?

I’ve been softing Princess since D1. Anyone can claim anything really. And TBH, Sog got Noble for his first game so he might have just claimed Noble when he rolled Neut because he knew that class the best

Wouldn’t it be better to see what Sog flips before killing me in jail? Doesn’t matter though, because game ends today if H_Hja gets lynched

why would game end here after hunter flip