[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Because you’re Demon, not Hunter.

there cant be 2 demons and youre demon

how would i be covering for hja if ive been sus of her since n1, tan can confirm that

So let’s look here.

H_Hja is lynched, Sog dies to bleed, Tele is executed. At least one neut goes down as I know Cheeki isn’t some scorned or shit and Ozz was jailed.

11 players alive right now…

Tan dies to bleed
H_Hja is lynched
Sog dies to bleed
Tele is executed

This leaves Ozz, Kyo, me, Derp, Jake, Cheeki, and Digg.

Digg HHes Ozz.
Archer marks Cheeki.

I stay at home and Mystic links Digg and Kyo.

Worst case scenario, we are left with 3 BD, 1 neut, and 1 NK, where the NK would be Cheeki.

Because you’re not group scum with her, so you wouldn’t technically know if she were evil or not

Since we know there is a neut within Sog, H_Hja, and Tele.

The two of you do realize that this “she said, she said” isn’t going to sway anyone, right? Neitehr one of you is being terribly productive. Now stop acting like 5-year olds and let the rest of court come up with a way to deal with this.

well, i know that tele is bs if digg didnt redirect me so

/vote tele

do you have any evidence for that besides that it ruins your claim

also bs, i dont know noble the best. i died n1

You haven’t helped us solve the game much, and that seems like what a Neutral would do. You don’t want to solve the game as neut because it decreases your chance of winning in almost all neut cases

Well you had the class card and were able to look at it the most out of any classes :confused:

how would i learn to fake a class in the game where i was the equivalent of a baby with down syndrome, i didnt know anything that was going on. if i wouldve faked a class it wouldve probably been paladin, i was that in efol.
in addition noble is almost completely different than in tol so faking it would be harder for me

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So you admit that you would be more likely to fake a class that you have already previously been. This gives you an excuse to fake claim Noble which you’re more familiar than other classes other than Paladin with while not being obviously fake by fake claiming Paladin which people might call you out on. Obviously a lot of FoL classes are different, so this seems like a poorly made excuse tbh.

nah, all im saying is that i wouldnt know how to fake noble. But since this seems to be developing into another god damn thunderdome, one flip will solve this. Of course id perfer it to be tele but i die the next night anyway

Sorry mate, sucks being neut. Game ends today and and you’ll prob roll a better class next time eh?

Hja, Tele and Sog are all gonna be dead if the game goes to D4 anyhow, so there’s no need to thunderdome here. No one’s leaving.

what a terrible useless conversation

we hang hja and jail axe tele simple as

why not hang tele and exe me this way game ends faster

I’m fine with that, I just want to end this game