[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

that doesnt even make sense from your prespective you made a mistake and you fully acknowledge how you do it again

I cant win in nap plan

What’s the chance I would be wrong two times? Pretty unlikely

thats not how chance works

you cant win? I thought you werent NK though?

thanks for confessing to being nk lol

you even akncowledge how you were sure thaat someone who was BD wasnt and now youre doing it again without giving it a second thought

@SogMan Hja legit just slipped that they are NK. How could you not vote this?

no its not lol the quote above says that I am NK trying to find a way to stay alive and win

1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 chance of you being BD. I’m willing to take the 3/4. It’s too coincidental

you immideatly make quote out of context to make me look scummy lmao

how is it out of context?


Also @Diggity69 are you here

because I replied to quote where it said that I am NK trying to find a way to stay alive and win

yeah and you’re trying to avoid naps plan, thats the point

Probability. If it’s 50% likely Lymph was MM and it’s 50% likely that you are Demon, then it’s 25% that you flip BD. But it’s not even 50% really, so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt

you do understand that if you have 1/2 chance of something happening that chance wont change because of you being wrong before

@JakeTheWolfie or @KyoDaz if you guys are awake come talk

They are two independent events so you multiply them together and it equals the chance that both of you guys flipped BD