[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

that would imply that lymph still hasnt flipped and has 50% chance of flipping MM

Sure. I mean it already happened, but theoretically it’s a 25% chance that you both flipped BD, and I’m willing to take the chance. I mean what am I supposed to think when I checked you as Neutral??

“Your Target is Neutral!”

That’s the feedback I got so…

ok here you have 2 choices if you chose wrong one you get another 2 choices if you chose right you win
you made wrong choice first and now have choice of 2 do you have 3/4 chance of getting right choice or 1/2

where did Sog go :frowning:

in your theory sog is NE and only one that makes sense is fool wich would frame me as NK so that check means nothing

literally doesn’t matter, sog dies from your bleed tomorrow, and we jail tele
stop with this maths shit

no we are lynching king

no point in arguing with the nk, we have to wait for sog to come back or jake/dig/kyo to show up

and this was agreed upon by who? no one but the flailing NK

you’re right im just screaming into a wall

by anyone who wants BD to win

Hello I’m here and I am going to read.

just vote hja so the game can end

I don’t believe Hja is a Demon currently. They don’t seem like the person to stall and she’s done pretty well. My vote won’t be on them today.

stalling is the only possible play for them?

Pretty much at this point

How did hja admit to being nk? And even if they did tele still isnt princess

even if tele is NE that doesnt mean hja isnt nk.

I mean thats what ive said, if tele isnt nk, then one of hja or cheeki probably is the nk

exactly, vote hja and get the nk out