[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Ill hold off until I hear from other town

do you plan on sheeping with other town? You should go with what you think, not what other town think

If I was to do what I think tele would be todays lynch my sweet child

Tele is almost certainly not nk, NE at worst

either way, Tele dies in jail if somehow hja dosent flip NK

Whats he at rn anyway? And id like to see tan or nap online 1st

not sure, But I see no reason not to vote out the nk now

We could probably just exe Hja here. Tele OR Hja is lying according to you SogMan.
Even if it was town it wouldn’t be all bad really.

thats what im syaing, I see no reason to just vote hja

no reason not to*

The fact we don’t know if Tangeld has changed their jail.

they said they have tele in jail did they not?

Yes however Tangled said previously they changed their jail three times so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was to change it again.

Yeah tan should get online 1st

So we all agree were gonna get Hja then?

Did someone say Tan should get online? :eyes:

do you have tele jailed?

Literally got on, read through what I had missed, and that appeared right as I finished up.

Currently, it’s on Hja. I fail to see why we’re all against Nappy’s plan?

This is why we do not hammer whilst Prince is offline. I knew it.