[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Official Voting Counter

Vote Votes Count
Pardon 2/6 SogMan, KyoDaz
Execute 2/6 :crown: SirDerpsAlot, Teleology

Except for the fact that I’ve been dealt the card I was dealt. I’ve been softing Princess since D1. I don’t want to be policy executed because I’m fucking BD. I don’t understand why a BD wouldn’t get upset at being executed when I know that I’m correct. It actually infuriates me. And you think I’ve been acting strange the past day or whatever? Yeah well shit irl has been going on so don’t think you can tell that I’ve been acting different solely off of that. If I was scum I couldn’t give less of a fuck, I am only angry because I know I am BD. You know how tilted I can get. Wouldn’t you be angry if you knew you could just solve the game and end it today, but people keep trying to do annoying antics to try to squirm away from winning today? Maybe then you could put yourself in my shoes and see why I feel this way

this is the opposite of how it works, scum give a fk, bd wouldn’t care that much

Do you understand how frustrating it is when people don’t believe you? It actually makes me not want to play this game. It’s very annoying and makes me want to rq

You haven’t played with me then

I didn’t know you felt that way, Tele. I’m sorry you’re going through a tough time.

It’s whatever, I don’t like bringing up personal stuff because it’s meta-gamey, but I have been more emotional lately

If you’re BD, then we confirm your info. Hja gets jailed so they can’t attack if they’re Demon, Sog dies to bleed so we know if they were Fool or not, and Hja can go down immediately D4 if everything lines up or I can just hand them the axe N3. I apologize for your tough time, but I’m looking at this from a perspective that doesn’t include that, and as a result I’m coming to a conclusion that feels objectively best from the point of view of someone who doesn’t have any certainty in either of your classes.

Why do you have to lynch a BD first to do that though? Why can’t we just lynch H_Hja?

welp based on prince’s plan, i guess ill

/vote Pardon

@Tangeld, since there is some confusion about what’s going on (Maybe just for me, idk) what is your plan if we pardon H_Hja?

Once again, that’s assuming that there’s certainty in your Princess claim. You could be NE or the NK yourself. The closest thing we’ve had to solid evidence of either your class or Hja’s is Hja bleeding Sog D2, but Demon could do that as well. Neither one of you really looks any better than the other, but from the point of view of a third party, well… I’ve said this already. If Hja dies and the game doesn’t end, you definitely die in jail. If we hang you and you flip anything other than Princess, Hja might live through N3.

I kind of assumed I knew what NE was, but I’m second guessing myself now. Can anyone clarify?

There’s certainty because I know my own class…

I was literally given this classcard…

The Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative

Royal Blood (Passive)- Votes to become king count as two for you.

Flirt (Night)- Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses

Will-o-Wisp (Night)- Release a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your target’s room. You will learn their faction. - 2 uses

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Okay, I agree with this, but I was really mad at the fact that Hja decided to bleed the only absolutely confirmed non-killer

The plan I’m working on is similar to what Nappy proposed, except we don’t hang King because I highly doubt that King is siding NK. We hang Tele here, I jail Hja (maybe execute depending on how everything goes), Diggity HHs Ozz and Kyo marks Cheeki. If anyone other than Sog, myself (and maybe Hja) dies N3, then either Cheeki is NK or Drunk is fake, so we would hang Cheeki or hang Ozz and have Kyo take out Cheeki if game still doesn’t end.

ctrl c-ing princess’s class card is not a defense in any way

I’m on mobile, it would take me longer to retrieve the class card from the FoL class list if I was fake

I believe that Hja’s logic was that Sog doesn’t have any reason to lie about being bled, whereas a scum might lie about it to get Hja hanged since they’re likely going to die to that bleed anyway.

Official Voting Counter

Vote Votes Count
Pardon 3/6 SogMan, KyoDaz, Cheeki
Execute 2/6 :crown: SirDerpsAlot, Teleology