[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

again, that is not a defense, and who says you dont have the class card list open?
this is a terrible way to defend yourself

Whatever, just hang me idiots. I don’t even care anymore

How the fuck am I supposed to have the class card list open on mobile while I have this chat open? It’s literally impossible

Tele, you misunderstand. If I say “no one here knows what class you are”, and you return with the fact that you know, that still doesn’t help us because you’re rather obviously a biased source. Regardless of what you are, you’d be claiming to be Princess at this point.

another tab? this is besides the point
you CANNOT defend yourself like this because if anything it just looks desperate and proves nothing

Another tab on mobile? LOL


Literally lynch me, I’m gonna be AFK the rest of the time, I don’t give a fuck. I’m not saying anything else.

Tele, my mother’s phone can have multiple tabs open on browser. Not sure why you’re acting like no one has that technology yet.

Oh it’s because I’m on the app, not using browser

As much as how frustrated I am at not being able to do anything this game (OOC: Seriously, we need to examine how maid works), I want to win. I’m down with your plan, but we’re being too indecisive. If we’re pardoning Hja and not lynching Derps then what are we doing? Lynching Tele? If it means the same to you all as it does me then we can just end this right here and now by hanging Hja. There is no reason for this day to last any longer than it has. No one has any NEW information to contribute.


To hell with this, are we thunderdoming it?

What is thunderdoming and NE?

If we’re resolved that this is a thunderdome, then to hell with it. We can hang Hja here.

you switched your jail target?

Thunderdoming is when one of them is guaranteed to die, and it’s basically a coin flip.
NE would be Neutral Evil, which isn’t technically an alignment in this game but would constitute SS/WL, Fool and maybe Scorned.

Official Voting Counter

Vote Votes Count
Pardon 4/6 SogMan, KyoDaz, Cheeki, Ozzkozz
Execute 2/6 :crown: SirDerpsAlot, Teleology

Jail target’s on Tele now. It looks like this is thunderdoming, so why not?

/vote Execute