[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

elaborating on the bare bones part

No one gets randomly put on stand here

a vote is worth a lot more here

now then, i’m off to make pizza rolls or something.

Wallposting doesn’t make me townie but I’m happy you are trying to make reads.

I wasn’t even addressing you. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ll be on my phone so i can read still

scratch that, 4%

Wallposting by itself doesn’t make someone townie, but it’s a more townie thing to do than it is a scum thing to do, since scum would usually rather that someone’s earlier comments be forgotten.

The fact that we’re getting some actual analysis out of it too does contribute to a more townlean on Nappy IMO.

Town reads: Tan, Marshal, Nappy
Null reads: Solic + everyone else not listed
Scum reads: H_Hja, Italy

Tan is being very active in town and trying to encourage people to speak about their reads, seems very towny to me. She also comments and asks questions about people’s reads when they do provide them. Town are more inclined to dig deeper into people’s answers rather than just accepting them right off the bat.

Marshal is also reading as town to me because he offered that people cross reference between his behavior from his last game, and it might be hard for a newbie to have the same type of behavior if they are of a different faction.

Napoleon is doing a great job with his wall posts and analyzing people’s ISOs to determine whether they seem towny or not. I wish I had the endurance to do more of them lol.

Solic is a null read for reasons I’ve already explained. He does seem to be trying to take control of the court and a good scum player would do the same I think. However, he has been active in chat and has been interrogating others which reads town. One other thing to note is that he memes a lot, and I’m not sure if that is a play to intimidate others (threatening to CS then) or a play to distract others (in the case where he isn’t really a Knight).

H_Hja seems scummy to me because they are a veteran who has not come up with very substantial reads or talked much at all really. I would love to hear more about why they read Italy as town…

Although I was reluctant to consider Italy scum at first because he seems like a newbie that is struggling with transitioning, we have all asked him several times to attempt a scum read and he hasn’t shown us reason enough to believe that he isn’t scum at this point.

Ah I see, I was replying to this, Napoleon. I’ve done my preliminary sorting.

@Ozzkozz my CS is currently aimed at you. Looking forward to your reads.

Ohhh Kyo is here, spicy. :eyes:

The most townleaning in my observation (other than myself because I feel like any judgment I pass on myself is inherently biased and won’t count for much in court’s eyes anyway) would be;

Now, Solic can fake it decently well, he has experience, and I’ve already stated that I don’t think hardreading him as town this early is a good idea. But he is still prompting court to be active, which is +EV for BD in most cases.
Tele’s been providing good basis for reads, so she’s putting thought into what she says and that’s townie behavior.
Nappy’s been providing more info, but with less comprehensive reads on each piece. However, going as far back as he has is still townie IMO because as I’ve already stated, scum don’t mind earlier comments being forgotten. So Nappy coming off disinclined to allow earlier statements to be forgotten feels like a move that benefits town.

Give me a short while and I’ll dig into my null reads and my scumleans, but I have other business that requires my attention. I’ll let you all know when I return.

Hi. I’m KyoDaz and I’d say by the amount of time I’ve put into social deduction games I’m decently experienced at this time. I can link my profile on the site I used to play on before this if anybody is interested!
I’ve only started playing Forum of Lies matches around 4~ days ago (fun fact; Solic was hosting).


I feel like italy could be in a jakethewolfie type situation.
If you read the black flag game you can see the things that jake did as town.

I’m getting a lot of the same vibes from italy. I don’t like those vibes but thats kinda what i’m seeing. Reading the black flag game posted above(especially right before jake was exed) is what i’m sorta seeing from italy

Welcome Kyo! If you wanna take your time and read what everyone has posted I’d love to hear your thoughts/comments/reads about what other people have said or who you think is scum or town

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We have 72 hours for D1?


Erm I dont think so

No 24

No, that was specifically to test out for EFoL 3. It was experimental. Day 1 lasts 24 hours.

But once again, hosts know more than players. ^^