[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

It’s also Solic who one would be smarter than to claim D1, and two why would he claim as killer when it’s been the downfall of town the past two games

and to this id like to add that i didnt agree with you until solic made no response to your suspicion, i pruposefully waited for him to post 1st. i was kinda scumleaning him earlier as well, but ive never seen his playstyle so it confuses me

Fair enough. I feel as though you’ve justified your reasoning however I still think it wasn’t the best course of action to take provided you do think Solic is town.

From what i’ve read, if you aren’t killer in FoL, you have no reason to claim killer. Being social won’t have people just declare you’re a fool if fool’s wincon isn’t to get executed. Making unexpected plays can easily give scum the surprise that throws them off.

What if you’re scum trying to use whataboutism to seem like you’re contributing?

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I don’t know how to scumread, so Instead I ask questions.

My reads are probably all wrong but I’m trying.

Second one is unjustified, we don’t know as much as veterans do.

First one is very justified, bad memes = scum

You’re in a newbie game. If you wouldn’t try here, where would you? Give it a whirl please.

I mean I have no idea how to scumread. I can’t tell the difference between a town acting scummy or a scum acting townie.

… I just quoted their whole ISO. They might not have a scumtell in every post. Shocker. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Can you stop trying to shut me down for no reason or are you townreading Dig for some reason?

Italy the biggest thing is Solic is not dumb, he knows the ins and outs since he has helped design a good bit of the current FOL, and read/hosted the last two games. Town killers were the reason BD loss the last two games because they outed. Even if u beleived the knight claim, why would he claim killer day 1 if this was serious after seeing the pitfalls of doing so. Plus it’s called a Fancy Play Syndrome he has half of u convinced he was a knight when he isnt. He took a risk and benefited from it since he could apply “CS pressure” and got a lot of good stuff from it

Just try to iso people and determine whether or not they are slipping scum info or trying ridiculously hard to seem town, those kind of tells


Ur gut ever say something seems wrong. Same thing but with other peoples posts. If a post feels off just point it, and people can discuss it

Reading posts in isolation. You click on someone’s icon and then click the button with [x] posts in topic.

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Also going to bed now and work tomorrow. Will be back before EoD probably.

That sucks tbh. I’m sorry you aren’t having fun. If you feel it in your gut, stick with it imo. Just because other people are saying Solic is a town read to them doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them. If they’ve convinced you to change your mind, great, but don’t just stop scum reading someone because no one else is backing you up. This does seem like a very genuine town post though. I don’t think a newbie scum would try to throw shade at a vet town :confused:

Back and caught up on chat. About to start up the mother of all ISOs, so give me a moment and you’ll see where I’m at right now.

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Prepare for my wall of text