[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Marshal’s likely flawed d1 reads!

  1. Ozzkozz
    As I was writing this, I was about to nullread this. The reads they gave were great and all, but the fact that there were no nullreads is just a little off. But when they pressured italy to claim just felt so wrong, especially since it’s been shown that massclaim bad.

  2. Napoleon
    Napoleon is actively trying to solve and giving ISO’s. I know wallposts dont mean much, but I do think this feels like involved townie. More of a gut feeling, Hope I dont get burned for it

  3. Marshal

  4. Cheeki
    Cheeki is a little tough to read. Cheeki seems like a player not afraid to push others. Often times they will piggyback off of other ideas, but really that means nothing to me.

  5. Teleology
    Teleology defenitely has an townie vibe. Seems set on helping everybody. encouraging reads, pointing out details. Has given some well thought out reads themself. Tele seems set on ensuring things go the right way, and that screams town to me.

  6. SogMan
    In my ISO above, I’ve given my soggy thoughts. Sogman has been genuinly trying, but has had some weak reads and a weird relationship with players like cheeki.

  7. Diggity69
    I don’t really see much content from them. It would pretty great to get some reads from them and see where they stand.

  8. JakeTheWolfie
    Same as diggity. Besides some talk with king dat, I don’t have a particular read on them. Still quite hostile but with jake thats NAI

  9. KyoDaz
    Only 9 posts at writing time, but still a bit of content. I can understand where he’s coming from with the neut read on me, and the scum read on Sirderpsalot makes sense. The argument for Italy being town makes sense when looking at relationships, but looking at content makes me question the read.

  10. Tangeld
    The original scumreader of italy. Tan has pushed on most players and has really tried to crack open the game. Has really steered the court in a direction. Never seemed to sheep. Seems like a townie leader and quite townish

  11. SirDerpsAlot
    Just seems very sheepy. That is a sign of newbishness, but also a sign of scumminess. Kinda sheeped on italy’s push. Never confident of much of anything and seems to be avoiding conflict.

  12. What
    I don’t see any content from them.

  13. Italy
    Do I think italy is scum? no. Do I think Italy is acting scummy? yes. Italy has time and time again proven that they just won’t cooperate. I think it’s LHF syndrome, and I get flashbacks to Black flag where jake acted the same way as town. My eyes are telling me italy is obv scum, but my gut is telling me they are town. I’m conflicted.

  14. Solic
    Our top poster has said a lot and interacted a lot. The main focus here is the knight claim. In my opinion, it is something fake that is used as a tool to scare newbies into making some reads. And I think that it is being done brilliantly. It’s already been discussed, and I agree that solic wouldn’t really claim knight, and I don’t this this is an assolyte trying to get sus off of them.

  15. H_Hja
    really not too much content from this player. Townreads italy, solic, and napoleon. I really would like more content from this.

  16. :crown: DatBird
    King defenitely feels GK to me. I’ve played with dat before, and I like everything they’ve said so far. I think that if it’s unseen, there is room for it to be EK, but if it is cult game, Im almost sure on GK.

We must build the wall of text
This took me so long

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Yeah definitely a Marshal now is it a good Marshal :thinking:

Well, it was a Blue Marshalean.

there is no good marshal
There is no bad marshal

there is just marshal.

Could you see Derp and Ozz being a scum team or do you think they are probably different types of scum?

Neut found /s

I couldnt

I mean I could see it.

I was less focused on scumteams and more on individual scum

I’m not sure they’ve had any interactions so far but i’ll take a look

Could u see him being on any team

Oh hey now that you’re here, can you give some reads.

Thats all I want. Thats all anyone want’s.

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Yeah, ozz is my biggest scum read atm

I more meant urself but ok who would u see ozz on a team with who would be their scum mate

Why do you think ozz is scum, derp?
as in your reasons for reading him scum

If Ozz is cultseen, then I’m sure we can safely assume that Solic is town. My read on Solic is improving and I don’t really see him as scum anymore, though I don’t think we have the information to put together scumteams.

I think Ozz genuinely believed Solic’s Knight claim. Would any of you disagree?

people are assuming solic isn’t knight, but i’m rather sure solic and tele are both town.

Yeah totally

Ok town doesnt mean they are knight

Between the fact that his read list has 10 scum and he asked Italy to claim

I do and have said so.

he used a lot of “if-s” when talking about solic’s claim