[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

As in I agree he beleived it

But potential scum mates, who they be

Tbh I’m getting a town read from Ozz just because they aren’t sheeping. It wouldn’t be a good play for scum to draw attention to themselves by doing a scum read that goes against the popular consensus. I feel like only a townie who is trying to solve the game would take initiative to go against the flow of who is generally considered to be scum. Scum reading Solic is a bold move that I wouldn’t expect from newbie scum.

He did the same thing with Alice in last FOL. Dont know if he would do it as scum but did it as town

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Townies prob have more courage to do that kind of thing because they have the fact that they know they are town in the back of their minds. Scum don’t have the same type of reassurance

I totally agree, based on personal experience but hey never sell someone short Maxwell in particular really surprised me with his confidence in our scum game together especially when he just came back from a break and before then I remember his scum games being pretty obvious

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@SirDerpsAlot I would love to know the top 3 people who have a chance of being oz’s scumteam to u

I think we should start setting up for the first night and create a PoE box.

Personally, I think we can safely take Tele, Tanny, Marshal out of there. I’ve yet to understand Solic’s plays and choices, but I don’t feel that he’s a groupscum; he’d try and buddy me up if he were, I’d think.
I think we should take Solic out of the PoE. I actually like Kyo’s reads and I feel like he’s being bold with his arguments. He’s a new townread for me from my last ISO.

Collectively, we seem to agree that both Tele and Tanny are town. I’d think that we could also collectively agree that I’m a townie as well.

Ehhh like dont ger me wrong I love me a POE, but hot take I’m not town reading tanny or teo yet. I throwing them both in different leans of town and scum variety. But the focus for PoE at least for D1 is usually about who invests should check and the answer to that question day 1 especially is null reads. If u scumread someone u dont need a check, but the nulls are the ones ur not sure on so they are best use of invests

That’s what I want, to set up targets for offensives, invests, and Prince to deal with, along with supports to protect.

I think we should have a plan for things like prince jail/invest/occ targets

I think someone like derps or ozz would make good jail targets.

Someone like what would be a good invest target as they are null

I think protectives should WIFOM and so should king with fealty

I do agree that sometime before the day ends we should have a group of people who the majority agree are town for protectives to switch between and a group of people the majority of people agree are scummy for invests to check, but it is still early in the day so we have some time.

I’ll be honest here i don’t like these kind of nightplans, especially

all it does it let scum work around it

Invests: null reads wifoming
Prince: null reads wifoming
Occs: scum reads wifoming
that’s as much of a plan as u should do

Who are your top town and top scum reads?

all protectives should WIFOM

We have the information; we can start forming that box. We aren’t making a specific nightplan though, most should be WIFOM between some people I’d say.

I think it’s fine to make night plans as long as they are general and not specific. Specific night plans are what causes scum to be able to work around them very easily.

I think we should make some investigate targets.

and prince just jail whoever