[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I do think it’s worthwhile to look into this, however.


What is your opinion on neuts? What was your initial plan if a neut came out?

Dat is the ultimate baiter

I know they were trying to bait tele earlier when asking if they got a contract.
As far as I know, you don’t actually receive one. this just felt like a good bait and makes me really like this king.

It’s the constant swapping of visible attitude that I find more worrisome than the attitude toward Neuts, personally. It feels like Dat is trying to figure out which kind of King the court wants.

Wouldn’t a GK want to fit the court’s standards, too? GK still penalizes the court for lynching them.

I don’t think that was a swap of additude. I think that was dat’s plan all along

Can’t speak for dat, but thats how I felt

I don’t think it was a ‘plan’
I just think it was a ‘You had your chance, off with your head’ thing.
Don’t claim now or your head goes.

He not only changes on the Neut stance, but on the issue of D1 claims, which was generally understood by the group to be undesired. Doing so to bait out a Neut claim of all things feels -EV to me at best, and a scumtell at worst.

Well if Dat is a neuts in FoL player then we will take note at how easily he changed to adjust to the court’s standards without any argument. However, I agree with Marshal, in that this was Dat’s plan.

Anyways, I want to see how Dat responds to this before jumping to an actual conclusion.

I almost feel like efforts to get an explanation from Dat have been compromised, since people have jumped in with an explanation that they feel plausible for the behavior and that runs the risk of having Dat just say “Yeah, that was the play”, which buys a few ears for him since they think they’re on the same wavelength.


Let’s see what Dat says first. I think there is a way to get some more info out should he confirm Marshal’s theory.

TBH I think it’s very probable that it was an intentional play. Solic seemed to know what he was doing so it might be a play that vets know about to get neuts to reveal themselves so they can get the axe.

Well, I’m curious to see what plans you’re on about, but I have to head to dinner. I should be back before terribly long.

Lynch them/TK them, neuts out all the way. Not having them mess up my game

D1 Warlock here, don’t kill me, Neuts In!

(Obviously a meme)

Ur testing me

Warlocks are so strong that people dont realize how much they can do in competent hands

I mean definitely SS and WL out

So I take it you were baiting neuts to come out?