[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Without a doubt, why would I keep them

Now that we have an answer, all we have to do is use previous games to evaluate Dat’s position on neuts. If he maintains the same behavior in a recent game, then there is nothing wrong here.

There’s No doubt in my mind that Dat is GK tbh

As I mentioned, the apparently inconsistent behavior is the issue for me. But if this is how they generally act as BD-sided, then that assuages my concerns somewhat.

Ill give you all a cookie if you dont kill me

It’s just a trap. I claimed Sellsword as CW in my last game for a brief period

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So I’m inconsistent in the fact I dont want BD to out since it hurts us, but I didnt care if neuts outed since they are genuinely evil most of the time. Neuts from previous games genuinely didnt affect me so I couldn’t tell u if I was neuts out or in until last game cause Kai ruined neuts for me forever

The inconsistency I mentioned was “No one claim D1” and then “Neuts can claim D1”. It struck me as odd that you were initially against D1 claims as a blanket statement and then suddenly wanted Neuts to out, especially when one considers that Neuts outing D1 is generally better for scum than BD.

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That almost worked but at the time I was like we needed one more vote and I would have been like jump on this wagon. Genuinely smart play last game, but unlike this game urs did feel a bit less genuine of a claim. This felt genuine and a neut who actually beleived he could trust us, unfortunately he couldnt

It makes sense in a newbie game where he saw an opportunity to find D1 neut claims. Also, we can look at previous games and if we can sense a strong anti-neut mentality then it all adds up.

Hey I would rather know my enemies early than later especially when we can prince jail them. But I guess I’m one of the few who supports that idea

Feel free too, Idk if i had a strong stance before EFOL 3 but u can check. I think i have played in almost every FOL since 19 i think

I think imma just out my targets, if imma die maybe someone will feel bad for me and give the mercy

Right. I agree that Derp is definitely likely to be Merc.

I suppose I’m of the mind that having Prince jail a Neut claim just to lock them down feels -EV for BD, and not being able to promptly remove the Neut claim upon having them open just makes it so that scum’s target pool is reduced, and even a slight reduction in that regard can mean a positive net for scum.

Or that’s bad and against ur win con the more they are in the open the more likely they are to be converted or attacked and thus u lose. So if j want any chance of winning I wouldnt. But throw ur game away if u want

If you wanted D2 Neut claims, that would be more understandable, but calling for D1 and then saying “oh prince jail that n1 and then kill it n2” feels like it ties up Prince arbitrarily.

I mean if Im gonna die, it wouldnt make a dif, they would basically be normal people

it’d at least be better to out them D2, when they’re more likely to not be converted for multiple reasons.

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Out of curiosity I would want to know.

And I do agree with derps. They are very unlikely to be alive on d3. I think outing the targets isn’t the worst thing in the world.