[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

And why am I, without mentioning my claim?

You honestly still beleive the knight claim, wow.

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So why did it takw so long for you to say it?

Solic has done more than you ever have D1 with their CS threats.

What if you’re the Cult Leader trying to defend your King?

What if you’re the Mastermind trying to get the Good King out?

As Nappy said, don’t think about it.

Jake what type of game is it? And why am I scum?(bring out the best question)

Bruh moment right here. Reread the interaction between him and I in the beginning

If you were an evil-like king, I would say whatever you were alligned to. Assuming you are Good, I would probably say Cult, if Solic was a knight claim that was an acolyte trying to make themseleves seem less scummy.

I think there is some meaning in this quote that at one point, Ozzkozz believed Solic to be an actual Knight. Ozz and Solic are definitely not a scumteam.

You can stop trying to fit me on scumteams, because I’m not scum. :man_shrugging:

I say cult, mainly because the Acolyte is Killer or Offensive, and Solic is pushing hard, knowing that in the end, their life doesn’t matter as much as Unseen member lives.

I’m not having fun right now. I was only trying to contribute and now I’m having my scumreads pick apart my words and throw them at me. I was only trying to answer your questions. I think you need to cool your jets.

I’m willing to concede on my scumread on @Solic as many people are pointing out his experience, but you need to understand that my reads are from what I can see and feel happening in this forum.

My scumreads will stay on @Cheeki (For being so damn hostile towards me) and @Italy because of how they handled themselves when confronted.

The big word used here is if

“if you are knight”
“if you CS”

There is nothing to really make me think that isn’t a possible scumteam

I could be totally be wrong, but IMO solic could be a potential scum. They’re the only basis for my thoughts Atm, mainly because thry’re in the spotlight.

Being “mean” towards you doesn’t make anyone scum. Why would it?

I do want to look more into Cheeki. Cheeki, you still havent answered my question. When you assumed Italy was Assassin/CL/NK, why didn’t him being MM come to mind?

Bad, unjustified read but read whatever you want

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I apologize if I caused this

I never said to not scumread him just dont beleive the knight claim

Don’t worry, @DatBird. You’re fine. You make the game enjoyable.

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