[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Signup Thread

It’s actually fairly relevant since a majority of players seem to have the tendency to hold readslists as the highest form of content.

In a newbie thread, reads and all things about should probably be the cornerstone of discussion.

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Macro reads especially later on can nail scum into the floor.

Just to make it clear, I won’t take you as “mentor”.

I’m not going to challenge your decision, but newer players to FM in its entirety probably would need a hand to get intentional with their play.


Or we let the newbies have their own style :stuck_out_tongue: there is no need to teach a meta.

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Getting intentional with play isn’t enforcing a meta on how to play. In fact, it does quite the opposite.

Intentionality allows players to build their own style of play with the understanding of how their actions impact the game.

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Our newbies are mostly experienced ToL players, I don’t think they need help in that regard.


They aren’t experienced FM players.
ToL is a mechanically intensive game, and while FoL certainly has its fair share of mechanics, solving based off them exclusively is incredibly difficult.



Here’s a great article that I really liked.

I mean personally FoL23 (is that what it was?) was the first FM game I’ve ever taken part in. I was a bit reluctant to do ISOs and quote people because I didn’t understand it, but now I have a better understanding of how to read people and deduce based on my experience. I am excited to take part in my second one, this time I think it would be better if everyone didn’t open claim. In ToL it’s a good thing, but in FoL it isn’t. I need to get out of my comfort zone where I hide behind a claim and start deducing based on behavior rather than whether someone has a good claim or not.


That’s mostly because of the lack of whispers, I guess. The reason, why whispers are so important for ToL.

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Yeah I think so too

Massclaim is only optimal d3/d4
If NK is dead, massclaim becomes significantly worse

It’s hard to coordinate what everyone should do publicly because evils can see the plan as well and work around it. That’s why I didn’t actually follow the plan I was supposed to do when it was displayed publicly.

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A forum game with whispers can be madness, the all Neut Killing thing Pyschoneirik hosts is some of the most fun because u can kinda just form teams with whispers. But I bet they were a pain for the host

Everyone, in every FoL match: ‘let’s not do a D2 massclaim this time’
Everyone, on D2: claims en masse


its why i might pull out a old big brother themed rolemadness fm, secret voting blocs are my jam

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That’s EiMM for you.
(EiMM is the subset of game that falls under)

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