Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

Wazza unvote

I think it’s dumb as well, but I don’t think it actually matters that much between two thunderdomed people.

**/vote sulit



Marshal vote Sulit for rand


i did

there, now it’s a rand.

now to unvote-

its funny

Rand master race

(I’m joking)

Rand rand rand

So much solving and it all ends in the rand. Fun.

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EoD4 Votecount

Player Voted by Votes
DkKoba sulit, Prophylaxis, Wazza 3/6
sulit DkKoba, SirDerpsAlot, Marshal 3/6
SirDerpsAlot Amelia 1/6
Not voting eevee, Universal, ATNoName 3

Ping/DM me if there are errors. Rand will commence in 5 minutes otherwise.

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@discobot roll 1d2

If discobot rolls a 1, DkKoba dies.
If discobot rolls a 2, sulit dies.


:game_die: 2

sulit has been executed! They were…


tf2 medic without any depth? please no. fuck resurrect.

You are Town 1-shot Bulletproof.

The first time you are attacked, you will survive.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

Night 4 begins and will end at 2021-06-17T20:00:00Z. Action deadline is 30 minutes before then.


oh yeah actions are locked lol