Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

@Prophylaxis has died! They were…


oh look another rank 20 player picked widow this is going to be a fun game :slight_smile:

You are Vanilla Town.

You have no abilities, other than your voice and your vote.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

Day 5 has begun and will end in 48 hours (2021-06-19T20:00:00Z ), or sooner if majority is reached.

With 8 alive, majority is 5.


Odd kill, tying it was stupid, why did they kill a scumread slot though?

/vote DkKoba

Speedhammer Koba
/vote Koba

/vote koba


Player Voted by Votes
DkKoba Wazza, ATNoName, Marshal 3/5
Not voting eevee, Universal, SirDerpsAlot, Amelia, DkKoba 5

Ping me for errors. Pinging me for votes is cool, too.

The day will end at 2021-06-19T20:00:00Z.

Wazza. I’m going to tell you in case I die that the scum other than Koba exposed themselves in their recent post.

Don’t talk about it now, talk about it tomorrow.

I think I get what you’re saying

but at the same time I don’t

/vote Koba

Player Voted by Votes
DkKoba Wazza, ATNoName, Marshal, SirDerpsAlot 4/5
Not voting eevee, Universal, Amelia, DkKoba 4

Ping me for errors. Pinging me for votes is cool, too.

The day will end at 2021-06-19T20:00:00Z.

Thanks for the easy early self hammer so i can kill the next obv town fast <3
vote : dkkoba

Yall the best!!

Good bye discussion

Btw ur dying tonight dummy

EoD5 Votecount

Player Voted by Votes
DkKoba Wazza, ATNoName, Marshal, SirDerpsAlot, DkKoba 5/5
Not voting eevee, Universal, Amelia 3

DM me if there are errors

DkKoba has been executed! They were…


if i see one more moira play of the game that’s just her using her ultimate and looking at an enemy tank im going to lose my marbles

You are Mafia Role Cop.

Each night, you may inspect a player. You will learn their role.

Additionally, you know that [REDACTED] is Vanilla Town. Their name will be redacted in the event you flip.

You win when you reach parity with the town.

Night 5 has begun and will end in like 24 hours 2021-06-18T21:30:00Z (action lock still 30m before)

Nightskip is enabled, if a majority of living players vote to skip night in their classcards we can do that :joy_cat:

The night has been skipped!

@eevee has died! They were…


multiple reworks of your entire kit and blizzard still couldn’t make you a cohesive character

You are Vanilla Town.

You have no abilities, other than your voice and your vote.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

Day 6 has begun and will end in 48 hours (2021-06-20T16:45:00Z), or sooner if majority is reached.

With 6 alive, majority is 4.

