NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

S-So wait, (pfft) how does Eliā€™s (lol) claim townclear PKR? (kek Ninja Sleepwalker)

if Eli is scum, he would have no need to fakeclaim a PR except to dodge being checked by a town Vanilla Cop (if the Vanilla Cop is scum he can just not claim a check on Eli)

if Eli is town, itā€™s much more likely for Eliā€™s role to exist as a pseudomiller to town!PKRā€™s role, than for it to exist as a pseudo PR to fool a scum Vanilla Cop

I seeā€¦ interesting. I might need to think about this when I bring Questions FM to FoL.

help Iā€™m dying

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posts like these are why I think windward is scum

FWIW, Aelin claimed that Windward is not part of her groupscum.

I donā€™t care

I love it

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Youā€™re on a different road

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Iā€™m in the Milky Way

2nd mafia faction?



Smh why isnā€™t it supported by ModBot? I could program it!

Thenā€¦ do it?

Iā€™m bored.

Anyone wanna bet on the alignment ofā€¦ literally anyone?

I bet Iā€™m town

Youā€™re actually Mafia Compulsive N1 Self-vig Death Godfather

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