NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat



Did this guy really make a venn diagram? :joy_cat: I love it

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How else would you explain that imageā€¦?
That, folks, is some dedication heā€™s got.

this makes sense why GMT and UTC are no longer in sync with BST

idk if PKR is redchecked but heā€™s acting super wolfy about the possibility of being redchecked

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I feel like check was on either GonZ or PKR if there actually was one

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IDK where this ā€˜no exeā€™ thing is coming from, but it feels like decora is trying to be jester or sheā€™s neutral with some weird wincon

Town is probably just waiting around for EVO to give his result, when in reality I think it would be better for town to pressure the four people EVO named, to see if they spew anything.

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zone are you okay bud

if thatā€™s real iā€™m gonna die laughing

Marl, itā€™s a joke lmao.

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What a timing to ask; No, I am not okay at the moment.
I am currently using the internet as means to escape reality.

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/pat pat

What a surprise, EVOā€™s check is fake.

Not sure about that yet

cheese Town

What makes you say that?

Heā€™s one of the easiest reads on this planet lol.

Weā€™ll see. Could go either way.

I saw the cheese typing :eyes: