NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

having not read the game at all

eli or wind


I was half expecting you to say “me” (as in katze), but alright.

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why would i wolfclaim as a wolf that’s kinda stupid

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I don’t know if Zone likes being pinged, but after D4 comes N4 :^)

Looks like things are getting interesting :^)

Anyway, I’m going to bed.

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This is a lot of words to just say ‘btw guys I’m not a wolf’

Thanks for the notice!

I was gonna say something, but I realized it’s easter.

we’ll probably see some actual action tomorrow

wind is a wolf

I haven’t been paying attention to thread st all

might be a bet DJ

I bet 10 points

You can only bet 1 point at a time.

But sure, I will bet Wind is Town.

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It’s currently a do or die situation for town, so ya’ll should really be doing something tbh


welcome to fol

I think last scum is between Eli and PKR

kiiinda think EVO’s posting in the last 50-ish posts points to him being aligned with Eli

though that’s a pretty level-1 read

also PKR not sharing results the day before LyLo is :joy_cat: if he’s actually a villager but probably not outside of his villagerange

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Always theorised that wolves are online at SoD and EoD

This points to both of these people being town if that theory is correct
Though, even if it’s wrong, I still think that wolves are more likely than town to appear at SoD

lol was present at every EoD, sooooo.
