One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

nah nah tanner is hard because literally everyone i’ve ever played with will call you the tanner at any point for any reason


sounds like something a tanner would say :^)

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Not unless your tanner role got swapped or robbed

Which is pretty much entirely random to you lol

Or watch to drunk to swap his card with tanner and still tries to act like town.

That is prob point i guess

You mean Troublemaker?

Drunk swaps with one of the middle cards iirc

Middle card still can be tanner.It is not confirmed tanner would be given to someone apperantly

But yeah not a One Night fan

Too random for me

When I’ve won and lost games on the back of another player making a switch and changing who is scum and who isn’t is when I dip out

I’ll still play it irl if somebody else wants to but I own the full Werewolf and the Town of Salem card game and Secret Hitler, all of which are more fun tbh

Would love to join, but I can’t promise activity when the game starts at 2 AM x-x

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Game starts with night tho so it wouldn’t hurt imo

Well i don’t have them and i have no one to play around here

Personally my main problem with IRL werewolf is that once you die you just have to sit there in silence while watching other people play the game

One Night is:
A. Quicker
B. Usually more engaging
and C. has no player elimination

I do agree that Secret Hitler is really fuckin good though

/in for majora’s mask references

Also too many phoenix wrights

maybe you should backup for aafm so you too can someday be a wright :thinking:

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Why not? AA is good :smiley:


Btw there is a mistake on the rolecard. The Hunter still dies if he uses his vig shot. This matters because if he shoots a lone minion then werewolf’s win but if a lone minion is voted directly then villagers win.

Only comes into play when there are no werewolfs but you should not forget about the minions alternative win condition