Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Like it is exactly relevant

It is obviously relevant if you think about it for like five seconds

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No if there is difference between reads it doesnt mean Its because of fool

That is true

That is also definitely a fallacy

Something can contribute to an issue without being “the cause”

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And nowhere is it stated that it is the cause

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But the fact that it’s a contributing factor is a large part of this entire thread

Yes but you are Yet to prove for it contributing to that


Like that’s literally what it’s designed to do

No it isnt Its designed to add additional WIFOM And comlexity

Plus having played many games over the years, I can compare that experience from games like ToS/ToL that have a Fool/Jester to other extremely similar games like EM, SE, and even ToS Customs that do not, and can see with my own eyes how much more room that gives for players to make social deductions.

It’s anecdotal, sure, but it’s also extremely visible to anyone who has played games that don’t have Fool alongside those that do for years on end.


It has many design goals

Complexity was probably not one, but WIFOM was

The issue being that aspect is also exactly in support of my point

literally this

jester like classes bring down the skill of the game
it’s not fun to play against

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Give example of it

He literally did

emilia how fucking braindead are you

U might wanna step away for a bit

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No he didnt he said that there were spaces Where he saw that but never said What exactly be saw

no im just baffled at how dumb bitches are

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They’re a known troll, and even though I’d be remiss to dismiss their argument simply because they are often contrarian and provocative on purpose, it’s worth keeping in mind and not letting them upset you. :man_shrugging: