Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

What is your definition of scum?

is fool aligned with town
therefore it is a correct lynch based on that alone

It’s correct if it’s beneficial to town

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I mean, is it beneficial to lynch an alch, regardless of it’s true nature, whether it wants to side with BD or not?

It’s not always beneficial to lynch an Alchemist

Especially when you factor in opportunity cost

But it is still technically a correct lynch, or if you want a less technical definition it is not incorrect, and Fool would fall into this same category were it not for punishing players for lynching it because some genius thought that would be funny as a joke and made Tanner


For the Nay-Sayers saying that “Removing fool would give BD the advantage because then they could just lynch scummy players with no consequence” This is inherently false. There is real consequence to killing a BD. For one, you lose a vital member of your team. For another, you lose that person’s abilities, whether they be social or mechanical.

And if people realized that “Oh, random lynching is bad” they would… y’know… stop?

Another thing is, Lynching scummy players is how you win at Mafia. Lynching the top scumread is how you play. Why should you ever be punished for not making an incorrect lynch? A fool is an artificially incorrect lynch, because of how it was designed.


Exing a neut is a mislynch for any faction, unless the neutral is so dangerous to your faction that it will heavily screw you.

Why is it a mislynch?

You have the decision

  1. Lynch someone from your opposite faction -> directly helps your wincon
  2. Lynch a neut -> isn’t helping your wincon, can be good tho if you suspect them siding against you
  3. Lynch someone from your own faction -> hurts your wincon (if you aren’t a professional busser ^^ and exactly know what you do)

>pick one

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Your win con is: defeat all opposite factions
Killing a neutral isn’t helping your wincon. It can be good tho if you don’t have someone better to kill.

So is it Not Good or Good?

Not advancing your win con. It’s not ideal to kill a neutral, but it’s not terrible either.

Opposing factions that neutrals are mathematically better off siding with

Neutrals don’t follow maths.

And you don’t know that they aren’t going to follow the maths.

They aren’t counted as a faction

Neutrals do what neutrals do :woman_shrugging:

This is not 1:1 applicable but the core concepts remain


It is to every Neutral’s benefit for the game to be over and scumsiding gives this the best chance of happening