Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

So what about other games where that didn’t happen

But that doesn’t even do what you would ideally want, and again is rand-dependent

Asking your fellow neuts to yolo kill them works too of course :wink:


God that’s hilarious

I think we can both agree that is, however, not an ideal gameplay scenario

see okay that’s fine, that’s cool
which is something that there’d be more of in the glorious “reward for NKing Fool” timeline

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It’s hilarious and it actually works :joy:

I’m starting to take interest in this idea

This thread is one example

It must at least be worth a shot

Oh btw you can occupy the fool + attack them, that prevents him from using his deathimmunity. Is pretty evil, but eh :upside_down_face:

God I wish we still got radical full-game reworks every other week

This would be in by 2020 tbh

i mean I realise you can’t trust my view on fun; I invented Chronomancer for fucks sake, but it has to be worth a try

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The problem is knowing whether they’re a Fool or bad, not eliminating them

Bad Fools deserve death just as much as anyone else

I’m in for it, I just search for people with good balance ideas
For the beginning just some minor changes, so that the meta changes but it’s not too much programming effort

I’m all in

And this is a much better solution than the common “reward people for lynching Fool” thing places have historically used imo

You’re a dev now?

No, but I’ve helped making a balance patch already.



And the abundance of KP in all allignments makes it much more possible without disturbing balance. Now all I need to do is come up with a suitable reward for killing Fool that’s substantial but not overpowered, figure out a way to make it slightly easier to kill Fool, and also skillswallets