Orangevitational - Aliens Win!


Anyway, I am not allowing an Officer elimination today. So if you think he’s a wolf, I have to be his partner and you guys kill me today. But our only chance of winning if you choose the wrong team is by Officer’s doublevote tomorrow in a 3v2 AND this requires you guys to stop the kill. Which is why ideally we need to kill Scientist or Teleporter, at least from my PoV.

Uh , never mind. For some reason I thought the game wouldn’t end at 2v2 but… yeah. But you guys would still need to stop the kill.

The point still stands that in an Officer/me world I am the even night attacker so you need to kill me first.


Player Voted by Votes
Scientist Officer 2/4
Officer Scientist 1/4
Not Voting Cryogenics, Security, Student, Teleporter 4

With 6 players alive, it takes 4 to reach majority.

Surveillance was right about Teleporter after all… they’re probably kicking themselves rn lmao

/vote scientist
If this is wrong I’m sorry
@Teleporter if you are town you are going to become literally the games last chance to win. You have to block the factional and move it to officer.

I really do think this is just mafia though

I’m not hammering, because I’m not mafia.

This does kind of prove the game though. I’ll wait if anyone has any reservations however.


I guess that settles that then

You would have to play around the off chance officer dies tonight if Tele swapped the kill
But yeah
More or less I think this is just mafia

I’m going tbh I was probably going to vote Officer


I’m really glad that didn’t happen lol

because I just couldn’t see teleporter/scientist being a team


Player Voted by Votes
Scientist Officer, Security 3/4
Officer Scientist 1/4
Not Voting Cryogenics, Student, Teleporter 3

With 6 players alive, it takes 4 to reach majority.

I read that post but I thought that associative reads matter kind of less when there’s no scum chat

I guess that makes sense

Wait did teleporter claim a previous swap? Or is this the first?