Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

This is the first

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So if we’re wrong we have a chance
Teleporter just has to guess which of us will die and redirect it to officer

I mean
I literally would have hammered and then no actioned and me and officer would could have quickvoted

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This probably just seals in the win though
I’m really curious who the lost wolf was

I… Did not even consider this

Are there any possible worlds we’re forgetting about just before we do this

if teleporter is scum and we are wrong then im pretty sure we just lose

Officer + Cryo lost wolf is it

Wait but impossible since back to back kills

Yeah but both wolves are alive

I’m the only role who can stop a kill besides him and his role overrides mine

So no
This is just the solve

I knew something was off about teleporter

they had good posts but sounded like they had a stick up their ass the entire game

If we are somehow wrong, and Officer is somehow scum with teleporter or some bullshit like that

does the game automatically end?

If teleporter is a wolf and we ML here we should automatically lose?

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Note that any scenario in which the scum nokilling would lead to them having vote parity or majority the next day and therefore winning will lead to an automatic scum victory.

Alrighty let’s just cut to the chase

/Vote Scientist

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Hammer has been reached.

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Player Voted by Votes
Scientist Officer, Security, Cryogenics 4/4
Officer Scientist 1/4
Not Voting Student, Teleporter 2

With 6 players alive, it takes 4 to reach majority.