Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

I’m not saying I don’t, as I basically am engaging with you now, it’s just that nothing you’ve done has changed my view

with that being said I don’t have complaints playing this way

I just prefer game ends by executing scummy people vs non towny people but I know that can’t happen every game


Player Voted by Votes
Student Security, Facilitator, Coroner 3/6
Coroner Officer 2/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist, Teleporter, Surveillance 6

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

this sure is a wagon formation.

Though it’s also a pretty common strategic pointer to engage others about the person you are tunneling instead of the person because it can just be unproductive

Again I’m just auto-assuming that we’re playing on hard mode here since anything less than that will be a very pleasant surprise.

Wolves have generally played well on this site so I’m not taking my chances.

Yes, but you’re engaging with me because I specifically called you out. I don’t think you would if I didn’t.

If Security didn’t use the shot, then that proves they are a wolf. Because they said they used it, which means they instead did the factional. But in terms of role utility you’re probably right.

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I think we should set up a night plan. If we execute coroner, I’m not sure who I should jail keep because if I jail keep my town reads I interfere with their actions since there’s no passive ones anymore, so I’m thinking of jail keeping security

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Literally from my PoV all of the scum are in the grouping of people not paying attention to the game or security/coroner (these two actually kind of overlap) and look what we have here.

security should have no issues with this since they already used their action

Even if you guys decide to go completely monkebrain and kill me despite reading me as town socially, I can rest assured that there is at least one wolf (probably both) in this grouping.

honestly when i unvoted then the wagon suddenly became a line of black clouds to me.

are we sure this is a student?
seems more like a veteran to me.

veterans can be students too

Weirdly enough my character is one of the oldest looking.

Pretty sure coroner actually never talked about student before this point

Which is weird

Also what is this question

If Coroner is the wolf here, then the other is exactly Communications. We should probably look for partner equity there to decide if this is a likely world.

day 1.
such partner equity.


i wish i were joking, but that’s literally everything.