Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

I like this push. Coroner’s reaction to it was also pretty bad.

The hell does this mean? Security has made a bunch of hedgy posts in which they are trying to appear productive and involved in the discussion but they don’t actually conclude anything.

…This is also wrong, since if Communications was a wolf Coroner has to be since it means they lied about the alignment of Communications.

This is… a mildly villagery response, I guess? It makes sense from the perspective of a villager who is embarrassed they attacked the same target as the wolves. I can’t tell if Security is just a willager here or an indecisive wolf.

See, that’s the problem. You repeatedly brought up the possibility yet you never tried to convince anyone else. Even if you weren’t confident I feel like a villager would want to make people more aware of the possibility.

This entire segment assumes that I am a villager. I don’t recall you being of this opinion, though I may be wrong.

They will also lie as a wolf if Communications was the N1 attacking wolf.

Honestly, this seems like a pretty weird thought for a wolf to have after reading Teleporter’s wall…

Could you explain again then? I don’t understand.

I think Teleporter has a good point about Officer being villagery on a micro level but wolfy on a macro level. Some of their posts are pretty villagery in a vacuum, but their play from a holistic perspective has been pretty bad with how they’ve consistently sheeped thread consensus.

I think Facilitator/Coroner always contains at least one wolf or Sympathizer. These two slots really have nothing going for them socially in my opinion, at least compared to everyone else.

what i was saying is that i don’t see why wolves would holster their kill to frame you if coroner’s alive and town, because that wouldn’t work.

the thought about the wolfteam being student/coroner was entirely separate. i formatted my thought badly.

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This is pretty level 0 thought, but I seriously doubt Facilitator and Coroner are ever allowed to endgame, so it would make sense to kill Coroner first so I can at least get a good role sooner.

If the game ends with Coroner then holy shit, I am a god at this game.

if the game ends with coroner then i harddefended both wolves.
pls no.

Outside of Coroner, why do you think Communications was town? His Iso consists of a lot of reads pulled from a guide of how to village that could be applied to almost any post, and a bunch of questions they don’t do anything with. They don’t look like they’re trying to evaluate the game beyond a surface level.

Outstanding move


because i’m stubborn.

i guess we won’t know for sure unless we kill coroner, will we?

Actually, from the perspective of someone who knows Communications’ alignment, the thought process here is pretty congruent, even though I’m not really sure there had to have been a wolf on the wagon, regardless of alignment.

another thing about coroner is that if coroner’s a wolf with comms, their defense today was super limp. we’re in an invitational game and they’re also the last pack wolf remaining in that world. why not try harder?

Uh, well we still won’t know since Coroner may be Sympathizer.

i guess lack of wim is a factor that can happen to anyone, but still. they don’t seem very concerned about dying other than “poe is wrong.”

maybe it’s just someone who’s not that great at wolfing.

i meant if the game ended then we would know. i phrased it badly.

this point also applies if they are sympathizer, since sympathizer needs to be alive to win. keeping themselves alive is literally in their wincon.

Well, if my teammate was D1’ed I can say for sure I’d have no WiM at the moment. There’s nothing stopping this from being the case for Coroner.

I can’t really interpret Coroner’s play today as villagery. From their perspective, no wolves have flipped and village is about to kill another villager. They have no sense of urgency or a need to take initiative. It may be a play style or activity thing because they didn’t seem invested in the game Day 1, but even when they are in thread I don’t get the impression that they are actually concerned about, well, anything.

coroner seems unable to muster any credible and coherent thoughts about the game despite backreading the entirety of day 1 (by their own admission, and also supported by them liking day 1 posts).

the utter lack of coherent thoughts about the game, aside from “poe is wrong, weh,” might point to that, i guess. as a villager they would probably at least have something?

this post is player salad. it feels like names thrown in. i don’t follow the thought process.
i want to kill this, but this, but maybe this, but also this and this, yeah, this. /vote student “is guiltied right?”
hedge from one direction to another.

this question to security is ??? from the perspective of their role.

you have tmi on this.

no, it’s not.

this would be a good point if the poe had space to vote comms yesterday and didn’t. the wagon was literally the entire towncore with no room for anyone else.

this is literally just shading the entire towncore.

i actually don’t understand this, because he knows what alignment comms was. you don’t ask questions what other people think about the flip, you push through your results. you don’t want villagers to make incorrect assumptions about past flips. especially when you’re deep in poe. you want your results to be your legacy.

maybe it’s just me who thinks this.