Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

I’m going to go

I’ll feel better tomorrow I just did something dumb today by forgetting something

either way even with the drugging thing i don’t think me targeting trapsetter was a terrible idea by any means. i was going for someone in towncore either way and trapsetter’s the first player i thought of.

would like to see everyone having claimed their actions by the time i get back.

I think me eating the NK early would be a good thing because a lot of people have polarizing reads on me, and that would clear my alignment up.

However, if the wolves don’t kill me, then I have the potential to make their lives hell lategame by utilizing my action and potentially redirecting their kill.

Does that clear things up?

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I am not sure if Officer deserves to be in the towncore.

I did a mini-ISO of them of sorts earlier today; I’ll just post it now because I think we can trust Coroner’s results.

tldr - I’m not sure if they’re a wolf, but I haven’t really liked their play from a macro perspective and I think it deserves looking into.

Want to do an Officer ISO, so let’s see where this goes.

Noteworthy that Officer is a little gun-shy regarding their vote because I assume they don’t want to hammer anyone early, which is fine.

This is Officer quoting a post from Student and I’m already side-eyeing this a little. Reason was because I also had that same feeling regarding how everyone felt pretty villagery, so for Officer to call that out as fake when I also had those same thoughts feels rather odd.

Initial reads, which are fine. Notable that they’re not assigning any sort of villagery or wolfy labels on anyone yet. Just “okay”, “chill and confident”, “eager to solve”. This feels kinda more playstyle indicative more than anything though.

I kinda like the tone of this post here? Just the way the first sentence is worded feels more like a PSA on how they view the game which feels slightly more villagery than not.

They’re bouncing around a couple of different stances here “bad feeling at first, but town might be more likely to make such a joke, but maybe it’s just scummy”. Not sure if scum would have this organic of a read? My suspicion is that their viewpoint on me would be more rigid.

Kinda sheeping Surv’s comment here re Student is ML bait.

Their stance against me gets more negative over the next couple of posts, when they think that me writing out a composed wallpost is wolfy and that they think me bringing up 0 posters is unnatural.

I like this post but also agree with others that it could potentially be faked. We just lunched Comms who had reads similar to this, so I suppose we’ll see how they flip.

First vote on Fac for not being townie. My concern about this vote is that it was a pretty easy one to make (I think threadflow around this time was that Fac’s posts were mostly all useless) and they’re mostly just picking off whoever had the most suspicion in thread at the time. Like, Student got heat early, Officer didn’t like them. I got heat after Student, Officer called me wolfy. And then Fac got some shade around this time IIRC (from Trapsetter in 223), and Fac is the first vote on their wagon. So that’s my main concern from Officer at the moment - they appear to be only scumreading people who have been getting heat already and sticking to consensus. Let’s see where they continue.

This is referring to Surv clearing me because I apologized for my townslip.

More sheeping according to thread consensus, which worries me.

This was the post that pinged me earlier because I didn’t think it was genuine. Could be reading too much into this, but I also think that it’s pretty threadconsensus-y because several people were expressing annoyance or exasperation with Security at the time.

@Officer can you explain this post to me more, when you get a chance? You like to play in a way where you townclear people early?

I think them dying on this hill that hedging is villagery is slightly villagery, since it’s kind of a unconventional opinion and I think villagers would care more about being right on dumb mafia theory arguments like these.

I do like this lackadaisical response to an ISO on Officer calling them scum, IIRC.

They’ve been pretty tunneled on Fac but was okay to moving to a Comm wagon.

So I’m still kind of conflicted about Officer because I think some of their micro has been villagery, but I think their macro has largely been very consensus-y and generally parrot the thread flow. Like scumreading Student at first, but then reversing on that when Surv said that they were ML bait. Scumreading me, but then (again) reversing on that when Surv said I was cleared based off of the townslip apology. Started voting and tunneling Fac based off of Trapsetter saying that Fac had nothing going for them.

I think their alignment kind of hinges if Comm/Fac’s alignments. If they’re both villagers, I kind of want this slot dead. They have had some decent micro tells but I think their macro has not been great by and large.

Scum didn’t kill? Or it was stopped on someone

wait wtf

you vigged eavesdropper?

I killed eavesdropper because their opener was fucking horrendous yesterday, one of the few interactions I found actively scummy

Meaning scums kill was blocked somehow

Yes, what was his alignment? Has coroner checked in yet?

Coroner said they were both villagers.


Okay so coroner is a wolf too then
I refuse to believe eavesdropper was not one of the three wolves

You actually killed the topposter just because of their opening? Are you serious?

/vote Security

I can’t fathom what villager actually makes that kill.

They were one of the few people I found actively wolfy yesterday yes

Post count isn’t AI

And people shouldn’t have fucking hammered if they wanted to have more influence over who I shot, I explicitly asked not to hammer in the first 24 hours since I wasn’t going to be around and you all went and fucking hammered anyway

Who did the doctor use their action on yesterday? The target should be confirmed not pack wolf more than likely

Also who did cryo block?

Yes, I’m accustomed to a towncore/PoE strategy and don’t find it odd at all to have seven townreads on D1.

Re: your other comments, you’re right that I have changed my mind along with others doing so a few times. I think with the number of positive “micro” reads you give here it’s pretty uncharitable to end with a more negative macro assessment and saying that I should die if I was wrong about both Comms and Fac. I think it’s possible Fac is town, and villagers are wrong plenty. I don’t like the way you’re painting me in a bad light here that’s disproportionate to most of what you say about my actual quotes.

Doctor who also buffs
Facilitator I think?

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Sec pls eaves was towny