I’m the only role who can stop a kill besides him and his role overrides mine
So no
This is just the solve
I knew something was off about teleporter
they had good posts but sounded like they had a stick up their ass the entire game
If we are somehow wrong, and Officer is somehow scum with teleporter or some bullshit like that
does the game automatically end?
If teleporter is a wolf and we ML here we should automatically lose?
Note that any scenario in which the scum nokilling would lead to them having vote parity or majority the next day and therefore winning will lead to an automatic scum victory.
@Scientist has been ejected from the ship’s airlock.
Night 4 has begun and will end in approximately 24 hours (at 2021-08-17T13:00:00Z).
Please get night actions in an hour before projected daystart.
pretty sure the game is just solved
With that being said, I’m not going to vote right away just in case
it’s awfully quiet here in the ship now
it’s almost like someone killed all my friends
Here’s why I think the game is solved.
1.Security and Me cannot be in a team together because of several reasons. First, I did not immediately hammer scientist with security and I pushed against a teleporter execution yesterday which, theoretically, would have led to me and security winning by just killing Officer.
2.Officer cannot be aligned with any player living right now because the game would have ended automatically.
3.Teleporter cannot be aligned with any player living as he would have killed Officer and redirected my ability away.
4.Teleporter confirmed scientists results yesterday, and the game did not end upon executing scientist, which means scientist was scum as there cannot be two living scum members alive (see the previous points).
Because of that, pretty sure it’s teleporter
I swapped myself and officer because of security’s last words.
I don’t know what this gamestate is like at all, but I am not a wolf. Pretty sure it’s gonna take a herculean effort to convince you all of that though.
Teleporter, do you think scientist killed himself?