Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I’m sad

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Eevee was 9k+, Marl was 4500 or around that.

I’m saying if Marl’s ability were to kill 6 town then it’d probably cost more than 4500.

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Maybe it kills 4 town instead

Because she is one of the people that have correctly understood my gambit as WIFOM. There’s someone else who has uncannily understood my play but I don’t want to out them and I will push anyone who tries to get me to explain it further. Please just play along with this for now

I literally looked at their ISO they called you scum

I mean it’s a possibility. Like I said, I’m risk/reward. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes I throw a bomb at an inactive townie and kill myself. :man_shrugging:

However I’m fine with this. I still want to get my ultimate though because :fireworks:

I really want to see Eevee’s ultimatum

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You and marl are scum

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can we not talk about my nuts pls

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I’m scum

I don’t want to be excluded

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Blue why are you still voting for marl when we get more for voting the map then voting marl tomorrow btw

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@Alice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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That’s a poker term meaning best hand sorry.

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Let’s say I understand your intentions and I’ll leave it at that.

I’ll freely admit that I might be wandering into something stupid, but my gut’s saying I’m not. I dunno.

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To put my style of play into Overwatch terms, I’m the d-bag that feeds Blizzard money by purchasing loot crates en masse.

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Alice missed an entire great addition of things they could have added like devs nerfing heros publicly


inb4 we’re missing a hero and someone is Jeff Kaplan

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Devs updates

Mercy was nerfed


The only person who would know Jeff Kaplan is a playable character is obviously Jeff Kaplan