Poisonous FM - Mafia Chat

Basicly we now have enough masks to both use in daily hospital tasks, protect the population and sell them abroad.


I know the surgical ones donā€™t protect much but I though I read they do kind of help a bit, more so than the cheap ones at least

Lol if I had read the rest of what you said

Masks donā€™t protect due to other reason tho.

Virus can get to your body via eyes.
Mask is just not enough on itā€™s own.

It does limit the chance, butā€¦ ehhh.

Not much will offer 100% protection yeah

If country has enough masks for everyone to use it, sure. Thatā€™s good.

If not - ill people should be prioritized since they release virus through mouth. So you filter the stuff they release.

For healthy person - you just limit one way for virus to enter organism, but there is still second one left.
So itā€™s just not as effective.

But still helps if whole population would be wearing them, ngl.

Stuff which offers protection against virus is bright pink and orange and hurting my eyes. :^)

Like seriously for some reason we only produce bright pink and orange body suits and masks, wtf lol.

Lmao why thatā€™s an odd choice

to stop people who need to wear them from going out in public and looking dumb of course

Thatā€™sā€¦ actually smart.

Lmao big brain

Eevee you think this is gonna ruin your summer plans?


USA is gonna hit hard economic crisis.

pretty sure everyoneā€™s summer plans will be ruined

You gonna try to do it next summer

Derps, if it spreads in other countries as well as it did in Italyā€¦ there will be around 10-15 years before economy get back to what it was.

Imagine thinking I understand economics Eevee

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I donā€™t take economics till senior year so I donā€™t know much about economics at all tbh


i think economics is exclusively a senior-lvl course in america actually