Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

  • Meanwhile, the boy was still taunting Connor.
    “Pfft,” He was saying. “Fletch could burn your Psyduck in seconds.”

By that point, Sammy had reached them. His hand cracked against Alec’s face. He stepped back, pulling Connor and Psyduck with him.
“Pro tip: do not.

  • Alec Ardere barely reacted, before looking at Sammy in the eyes.
    “You have a Death Wish?” He taunted. “You don’t even have a Pokémon!”

“But I do,” Sammy grinned. “Ever heard of Eevee?”

He pulled something out of his pocket — a PokéBall with a golden star set over the traditional red and white pattern.

  • “You think you can beat me in a battle?” Alec snorted.
  • It was nearing Noon. It stopped raining.

“I’m not battling.” Sammy raised the empty Pokéball and aimed towards the Fletchinder.

  • “Don’t be ridiculous,” Alec said. “You can’t capture someone else’s Pokémon.”

Connor stayed firm and didn’t show any meaninful emotion, but he was hurt deep down.
Short time after Connor looked at Boy with a slight smile and said “Well, there might be some truth to that. However one thing you should know about me is im not one for fighting, I prefer to stay on a decent level with everyone.”
Connor greeted himself to the boy as he let out his hand for a handshake, not expecting the boy to respond.
“My names Connor, what’s your’s?”

  • The boy chuckled. “Move to one side.”

Connor wasn’t surprised by the boy’s reaction
“Well okay then, it was nice meeting you.”
Connor smiled at the boy, Hoping he would come around someday, even though he probably wouldn’t
Connor and his Psyduck went to grab some food.

  • Alec kicked the Psyduck over as it came near him.

Connor turned around with shock, Connor looked at Alec with anger in his eyes, although he refrained form yelling. “What the hell man, he’s a Psyduck. You do know what happens if you make him stressed right? Unless you want everyone in this room to deal with a compounding headache for the rest of the day i’d pluck and stop being a jerk.”
Connor leaned down to help Psyduck, however he had his arm in a position we he could block a kick from Alec if he tried to kick him over.

  • “So?” The boy grinned.

This conversation wasn’t getting anywhere
Connor picked Psyduck and held him in his arms as he walked into the kitchen to view the large variety of options.
Please don’t just be peaches

  • There were fruits and hot food.
  • Someone shook Kiran awake. His mother, probably. “Get up,” she said. “It’s Noon.”

Kiran blearily blinks up at his mother through his locks before flipping over and covering his head with his pillow.
“Look, dad already said yes to the pokemon training school and I don’t want to hear any more about the government internship. I’m going to go and you can’t stop me. Just let me go to sleep, I had a long night packing.”

Kiran’s mother narrows her eyes and tears the covers off of him before crossing her arms, her Gardevoir mimicking her glare and stance.
“Well maybe you should have prepared earlier, like a real pokemon ranger should do. I’m too old to be indulging your fantasies anymore so do what you will, but don’t come running back crying when you can’t take the work and pain. I’m your mother, not your babysitter.”

He flinches at that but holds his glare.
With this, his mother leaves the room in a huff as Kiran slowly gets ready to go out.

  • The clock on the wall revealed it was nearing two o’clock, the sun passing through the gaps through the blinds.