Preview of Patch 1.1.0 2: Electric Boogaloo


Allies was BS and needed to go. Hopefully it will stay gone this time.

I would like to point out just how good that ability is. Most people are visited by someone and you can use it to prove yourself or ANYONE else.


A 1 use ability like snoop is great because you cannot use it to accuse and confirm yourself. You can either do one or the other. With 2 uses that’s not true. This is relevant with classes like Possessor who can fake the maid spy.

And that’s the intention. I’d say it should do fine at fulfilling it and will help everyone involved by existing even if you personally don’t play it


If we removed Neutrals from the new mode, it would be better than the old tbh

The DK change was needed though. Revive was OP.

I agree that the king is useless now, but allies needed a change. It resulted in a “give leads or get exed D4” meta.

You can learn what happened to the player though and if they’re lying or not. For example, if the mastermind visits them then they are probably converted. If the assassin and no physician visits them and they survive they they are probably NK.

Agreed, defile didn’t need any changes.

That’s a good thing. Revive was overpowered.

That’s a good thing, classes shouldn’t be easily proveable.

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I don’t mind seeing it go. I’d just rather the King not be made completely powerless and useless in the process, and this patch is doing that. The King needs to be powerful, be it for good or evil, just maybe a little less powerful than allies but more powerful than the current, proposed version.

I don’t disagree that it will help new players. I disagree with the claim that it’s new content.
I also dislike it cos A) It will split the playerbase and B) might screw up game waiting times if one mode proves more popular than the other.

I think the Noble is still currently boring and useless unless it survives to late game. My point regarding this change was that it changed nothing about those aspects and just left him boring and useless until late game. Noble, if it was going to be changed, should be changed to address the fact that 8 out of 10 people currently hate the class still.

It wasn’t though. You had 2 guards, which, depending on the state of the game, would either kill someone or miss, and the CS, which, again, depending on the state of the game, could be powerful or useless. It was nice and balanced imo, especially since you couldn’t sit around once revived to figure things out, you only had 3 nights.

I feel like with the net loss of investigation there will be a lot more random voting for claims. It already happens every once in awhile. People need information.

A way to change the king without making him useless. 3 seperate powers.

BD King: Guards and prevents conversion of a target, 4 uses.
Evil King: Makes all Evils appear as BD. 4 uses.
Neutral King: Not sure…maybe something that helps confirm the “good” neutrals.

Discussed this a little in General Chat, seems to be accepted as decent.

I like Physician ;-;

The defile change is the worst. how can you discover the mm when he can’t be fround before n4 which is so forward in the game, and can be hidden by herbalist every day. unlimited use? are you kidding me?
This is the worst thing ever done.

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The Herbalist will be promoted into Assassin if Assassin drops dead.

Also, if you removing the dk, please just get back the old physician who could discover how people got killed.

I would love the king to have a psychic-like ability in the night.

Anyways, now the King, whose power is perfectly fine now except for policy lynches needs the passive I promoted: A punishment for a BD king execution.


I think the King isn’t really where they need to be. If you want to give them meaningful vote altering abilities, give the king the ability to give any player of their choosing double voting power the following day.

That will allow the king - when combined with his own pointing the finger - to potentially give his faction 2 additional votes. That can be game changing in the kind of way the king should be, more than preventing a single player from voting the following day.

And to clarify this: I played with the king in beta who did not have a starting ability but just guards and the voting abilities. The King back then was not boring, if you actually cared to play like a leader. It had one problem tho, it was increasingly often being lynched. The solution(buff it tremendously with allies has had horrible consequences: BD and Unseen had very low win rates with their opposing King present. That is why Allies had to go.
An execution punishment is the only way to go for King. It’s presence makes its faction powerful enough by adding another member. Giving it gamesolving power was gamebreaking. Not for the win rates as a whole but rather for the win rates of the opposing faction.

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You should never forget one fact: The King is already giving its faction two votes: One by having Royal Finger, and another for just having it’s faction’s alignment

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What the hell???

Too many at once.

boslof isn’t good at being idle :P, he got complaints about releasing updates too often… so he takes a couple months off releasing updates… unfortunately he was still working his ass off during those 2 months :slight_smile:


First off, as another user said, I love the game. If my tone is alarmed, it’s because as someone who loves the game and has put in many, many hours, I do feel protective over elements that I feel are strengths.

For me, Defile was possibly the most fun ability in the game. It rewarded clever deception in a unique way that, when used correctly, has won me the game for Unseen. It’s an ability that feels Unseen to use, and is a good alternative to when you would want to trick people with the fake attack/heal. I’m upset this will be replaced with a generic disguising ability that doesn’t match at all with the class or demand much thought in its use.

This is an interesting change that has potential. Feeds into the “information is power” part of the game that’s fun.

Like others, I’m very alarmed at this change. No more rezzing? So the dead have more reason to just leave when you’re killed. I just played a game today where I got rezzed and all the dead BD put our heads together to figure out who to CS, then put in the death note the others we suspected. It worked and we helped earn BD a win. No more Death Knights = dead will disengage.

Interesting change and perhaps for the better, but the old WoW was an interesting, unique ability. Granted, its usefulness was usually a result of chance.

I’m interested to see if this combined with the indirect neutral buff from removing Allies (though we will see whether Princess simply replaces King in this regard) boosts Ms. Sorc’s win rate. However, I still believe we need to rethink the Sorcerer/Inquisitor situation in general. The Sorcerer is not neutral in any form other than name. Why are we still treating/balancing her as though she is?

Excellent! :smile:

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This was a good and well thought out post. More posts like this one pls.

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More will be coming. Mark my words! :kissing_heart:

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