I honestly think Prince should stay the same.
It is dumb to step up for King as Prince as you are BD’s most powerful asset (unless you die n1 as always but that’s besides the point). You don’t get to utilise the Prince’s abils if you step up for King and players usually go against putting up Prince for king.
Convertable Prince should not be a thing because jailing will just become a joke. Next thing they’re going to force Prince to execute someone just to confirm himself. Also Prince as as Invoker would not work, sure you could add a new Cult Killing class, but Hunter and Knight will also gain these abilities. So bad idea as it’ll confuse the shit out of people. People will not take claiming to Prince seriously anymore and it’ll become from “Oh hey, I know that he’s on my side. I’m going to claim to him honestly” to “Ummm, tell the truth or no?”
I think occupy immunity is really needed for Prince as if he is ever occupied, you just stopped the execution of a possible scum. Prince would be underpowered af if this happened.
Jail target having visits blocked is rarely used for protection. As you are also occupying them making it so that a confirmed sheriff cannot do his day job. This also blocks heals unlike a Court Wizard barrier.
Remember, Prince jails count TOWARDS occupy immunity, players that have been repeatedly imprisoned cannot be imprisoned, also it is usually a bad idea to imprison the exact same person in a row.
I honestly think that this thread was made because of saltiness that Prince kept executing you.
Also NuclearBurrito brought up a good point.