Prince needs a nerf

First come, first serve. Whoever hits the button first becomes the Prince.

Then there’s no replacement. This is intentional to discourage Princes from relying too heavily on the fact that they will always be replaced; if they don’t know if there’s a Princess, they can’t rely on it (which avoids encouraging them from revealing D2 - of course, they could also just die N3 or later.)

I’d prefer Prince replacement over immunity.

Allows the evils to still get the kill.

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Problem there is that we either:

A: Put it on Sheriff and Pally

B: Put it on King

C: Guarente the class we give the ability

D: Not actualy solve the problem. The swing is still there if the class (princess in this case) doesn’t spawn

And in all of these situations you also need a method of choosing which instance of the class becomes prince if he isn’t unique. And you also need to limit it so no late game replacements happen.

I think I’ll stick with making prince tanky early on.

What if when the Prince died, a BD royal could “step up” to be Prince, and the first one would just get it.

Of course, nobody would know who stepped up, or who got it.

Only in the first 3 days though.

And guarantee a non Prince Royal, of course.

oh yeah totally irrelevant.
Hell, might as well just say that if lore is irrelevant, then why can’t princess flirt with everyone in one night, it’s not like there is anything stopping her.

It is.

The Princess can’t flirt with everybody because that would be unbalanced.

The balance matters, the lore doesn’t.


  • Bd fake claim prince
  • Many classes bypass immunities, Reaper, Sage + Assassin, Enforcer + Assassin, Poacher + Assassin, Sorcerer, and litterally everything if healers/protectors are dead

Then why can’t the Mm or Cl Brainwash the King/Prince?

Balance. If it was weaker, it wouldn’t be necessary.

Fake Prince claims get killed.

But I claim prince everygame and never die OwO

Also how the fuck would a princess flirt with someone in jail?

Some people are into that sort of think don’t kink shame

Final Conclusion:

Stop being salty

All of your suggestions are completely bogus and are all based on obvious salt.

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In ToL or FoL? In ToL the real Prince will just execute you.

then they learn

Even if it worked, it doesn’t do anything to the key problem of Prince.

If it dies n1, it’s super swingy.

You know im happy when Im right, and how you completely dodged my “Final Conclusion”

Your final conclusion is an falsifiable accusation.

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