Prince rework Less powerful

Not my point. My point is that skilled players will win as a neutral killer right now. Imagine what will happen when average players can win 33% of the time as a nk. What’s the win rate of skilled players

RNG number generator can be 1-3 and which one it lands on determins the win while the outcome would be 33.3% doesn’t make the game better or more fun.

Balance is always about equal winrates. It’s in the definition.

However good game design is not always about balance. In fact balance is the least problematic thing to worry about at any given moment.

but mafia isn’t a rng

you could make it :slight_smile: would be balanced

You can not take a non-balance issue and declare that it’s thus unbalanced.

Yeah it would but no one would play it.


But tol isn’t a rng

And thus people will play

Your metaphors are bad because you are saying a = b when it doesn’t

While I don’t think making 33/33/33 is going to stop everyone from playing it, it surely brings the game down a lot.

The only claim I made was that in order for NK to be perfectly balanced his winrate needs to be 33%

Anything else is you extrapolating

From my perspective.

Nk doesn’t need to be balanced then.

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so are you on our side or do I go ahead and tell the sniper to take the shot

Unseen/cult and BD should have same/Similar win ratio but nk shouldn’t be what you define as “balanced”

Tell the sniper to take the shot. He’s aiming at my evil twin.


yells behind me TOM TAKE THE SHOT

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I think there’s a slight difference between having complete balance and good design.

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