Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

I just re-edited…
*being modkilled

mod kill
mod kill
mod kill
mod kill
mod kill


I’m not implying anything
I know I’m town
Whether people believe me and follow or dont and disagree, i’m stating what I believe we should do.
Heckin deal with it m8ty

@Icibalus Waiting for a verdict.

He isn’t going to modkill you over that so just keep playing

However you still failed to explain your reasoning and being VI this game won’t give ya a shit.


I already did explain my reasoning for thinking you’re mafia

How did I miss it? :eyes:
Wait that second…

here you go friendo

Honestly I don’t think so HOWEVER ignoring a possibility and saying it’s not possible is pretty dope move.

I said it later after he called me mafia. I got Civililian how is his sentence make him the real Cop?

I already explained myself, regardless i’m gonna wait…

I’m only speaking in realistic possibilities. I don’t think there is a realistic chance Hippo and Max are scum together. Therefore they aren’t until I have reason to believe so

Huh. I wonder how many times scum won because no one didn’t consider “unrealistic” scenarios.

Less times than town has lost because they take these unrealistic scenarios and push them as the truth.

I heard there is nothing wrong with putting them at “consideration” pool. :thinking:

Anyway I just hope if Hippo is mafia that the Cop checked him. This is the only thing I’m concerned. /shrug

Tw1light will not be modkillled for that edit but please refrain from doing it in future. VC pending.


1 Like
Vote Targets Voters Number of Votes
htm Firekitten, Hippolytus, Oranegandblack5 3
Firekitten WHammerist 1
Tw1light Marluxion 1
CaptainNerbins htm 1

Please make your votes obvious to me or they may not be counted! Bolding votes and putting them on seperate paragraphs is reccomended but not compulsory.

he’s low hanging fruit

you overestimate the amount of posts I have read

There’s too many slots we don’t have enough posts from to read at all, and they’re all solid players — which I mean y’all subbed in so I totally get it, but I’m just making the point that seeing a lot of Ashe Orange and Parfait today would be rad

I still don’t think I can fairly analyze Tw1 or HTM as I’m on mobile — but there is something I’d like to offer

The reaction to Hippo’s first RVS vote, the one that set that whole feud between the two in motion — the side that defended Maximus looks reallly fuckin scummy atm. Two distinct possibilities then:

  1. Maximus freaks out after Hippo “fakes” a mafia check, so scum goes for the immediate brownie points when they realize the mafia peek is fake and don’t quite grasp the gamemode meta yet
  2. ~ Insert obligatory tinfoil here ~

Regardless, definitely an interaction worth revisiting in my opinion

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