Question for FoL / FM players here that don't play ToL

Just some general tips to make sure your tol experience doesn’t get stale (from someone who only needs 150 more hours for the 2k), and over 3000 matches

  • Vary your own plays: try something new, invent new strats, observe other good players and try to learn from them new strats. Don’t search for the “one true strategy”, but play every time differently. Don’t be afraid of doing dumb mistakes, experimenting is king.
  • Play with friends. You don’t have to actually talk with them outside of tol, but seeing the same wellliked faces in a lot of games is kinda heart warming
  • If you feel like you have played enough: stop playing. Play again tomorrow or whenever you want, but playing while play-tiredness is only intensifying your annoyance feelings towards the game. Or do a break for a week, or even a month. Let your annoyance recover.
  • Learn all aspects of the game… become a master of the mechanics. Remember all class cards, read all pins in the #ask-a-guide channel, read the wiki, read the Q&A until you know it all
  • Engage in the community. When you know so much about the game… let’s give it on to others. Guide them, teach them. Or organize your own matches, invite others to play with you. Try to be a positive influence.
  • Last but not least: develop an active playstyle - be the leader, not the sheep. Don’t be afraid of pushing on people you have scumread, and learn how to explain your scumreads with simple words so the others will understand you. Become charismatic and convincing, independent from class or alignment. You can carry as each class - try it out

If you can find out what exactly makes the game stale for you, that would be valuable feedback, to see how we can improve the game

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i remember doing this back in late 2017 / early 2018
but sadly at least 90% of my ToL friend list has not played the game in over a year

I had that problem too. It’s important to be always open for new friendships, for new positive experiences, and not looking back at the past. Most friends are something temporary… they go with you for a short time, and then they are gone again, but you both can take something positive out of it

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if i ever consider playing ToL again, i’ll try to employ some of these strategies and develop new relationships there
can’t say for sure that i ever will though.

No, Arete just has to go with the time :wink:
You have no time for wallposts in a turbo

Virgin ‘he might be mastermind exe him’ vs the chad ‘if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’


I’d say Mystic is the perfect class for FoLers
It’s a boring IC for us, since it has no mechanics, but you can use the social aspects of it

It is useful but not as useful or as satisfying as stabbing the scum

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As leader that’s not your job, not at all. You have to find scum and convince others that they are scum.
Just “haha I’m better than you all” isn’t working, since the other players will think “yea just another yolo CS Knight”

The Knight uses a Lance, not a Knife.
Who do you think he is, a common thief?

ignore me; i forgot the name of the ability was “Cold Steel”
im still imagining knights from Fire Emblem, who can only use lances

a sword really just is a longer knife

Knight uses a Sword

yes i realized this above

FM was the reason I stopped playing ToL.

May I ask why?
I’m not really seeing FM/ToL as competition, it’s easily possible to play both at the same time in my experience.
What is the reason that you are playing one thing now exclusively?

(If you prefer not to answer, that’s totally okay)

i think a lot of FoL / FM players (like Solic) agree with me that for people like us, ToL can feel bland and stale much, much faster

Yes I know
I’m just confused why this is the case.
Help me see through your eyes.
For me FM is getting stale very quickly, but ToL not, because you are playing with so many different people, and the mechanics are very deep and (hopefully) reliable, so in comparison to this FM is extremely bland

I don’t really think ToL is bland per say, but its definitely missing a sort of element that we get here on FoL. They’re two different types of fun, but I stopped playing ToL because its just not a game that can hook me for long.