Return Of The Darkness Upick - Game Over - well that happened i guess

you’re literally attacking my read in a way that makes me look worse while agreeing with the read?? how is it like not what’s happening

She knew one of them was going over which is literally waht the post says

well on one hand she was in arctic’s top tier and im sheeping that regardless because i feel like he wasn’t well positioned enough to die if he was towncoring a wolf

apart from that like

a lot of her progression has felt incredibly natural to me, especially on my slot - i’ve seen her approach me in different ways when she’s wolfing and this definitely feels more like “v!night can’t get a great read on my slot so she doesn’t force it for the sake of having one”

ok conroy lets start over

hi im katze whats your name :slight_smile:

so its basically a meta thing lol

it was obvs between one of them and it makes little to no sense to post in either scenario as w/v tbqh

and is a good example of what I feelin’

gorta multitabs 24/7 literally never changed his playstyle in the past 50 games and you’re telling me my way of reading him is wrong because “he might change any day now”


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no it doesnt work like that

I think she expected specifically Derps to be going over and given that I don’t think it’s AI in either direction

like I definitely don’t think that individual post spews him town but

actually yes
i am

in one world im correct on gorta 49 games out of 50 and I get fooled once

in the other world i have stupid paranoia for all 50 games and I never read him correctly

conroy i literally said that ur method is >rand to be true but mine is better

hi I’m sulit

Mkay chloe ur read is very pepega tbqh

but centuries ur slot is simply a villager and I want to work with you and talk about the game but if you fly off the handle every time katze or chloe is annoying in a mafia game you will be tilted 24/7 and I cant do that

my biggest qualm is that reading someone off of postcount/wim is unintentionally encouraging them to continue doing so


thats pretty much it

i think its shitty and i avoid doing it if i can

[quote=“katze, post:3872, topic:87351”]

im done arguing this its stupid

I am currently panicking because I can’t do things today even though I’m

Very likely sick


Sulit brain doesn’t care about logic


hope you all enjoy being in the towncore together

=rand (and >rand/<rand) to be [x] doesn’t mean 50 percent likely to be [x] it means ‘more likely than random chance to be [x]’

for instance, if I have a d20 that’s weighted to get a 20 one in 5 times, it has a >rand chance of rolling a 20

this is a dumb argument that’s not going to be AI for either of you, please stop having it

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Arete, assuming I am scum right now: How in the name of nine hells would I have slipped posting something to a deadwolf in public forum chat instead of Discord scumchat?

Really. I have been asking this to literally everyone, and the only response I have gotten are votes from katze and Jane. In other words, they don’t even try to counter me; they just vote me out of spite.